Visto nel Web – 28

Puntata ricca di segnalazioni, per cui ecco, prima di subito, cosa ho visto nel Web.

A few things to remember while coding in Python.
ogni pythonista serio dovrebbe seguire Satyajit
::: Satyajit Ranjeev

Silicon Valley needs humanities students
We need musicians, artists, and psychologists, as much as we need biomedical engineers and computer programmers.
::: VentureBeat

Autodesk comes to the cloud
::: sm4rt cloud

GIMP 2.8: understanding UI changes
::: LWG

Le preoccupazioni di Almunia circa Google e la concorrenza
::: Quinta’s

Python on Windows: How to Get Set Up to Help with Core Development
::: Mouse vs Python

EU Offers Google Chance To Settle Prior To Anti-Trust Enquiry
::: Slashdot

10 secondi per scartare un Curriculum, secondo me ne bastano 6
::: Paolo Bruno

Python built-in functions are awesome. Use them!
su questo blog una montagna di roba, da RSSare
::: *

Nomine Agcom: il Parlamento ascolta la Rete
::: Il Fatto Quotidiano

Another Raspberry Pi? $49 ARM Single-Board Computer With Android
::: Slashdot ::: lffl ::: oneOpenSource

[ Script ] DefollowNotify – Te li notifico io i defollow
::: toshidex

Forte critica a Facebook da MIT technology review
::: Quinta’s

Why I love Twitter and I hate Facebook
preciso, uguale anche se non ho mai superato 100 amici su FB
::: *

Niente e-book, siamo studenti all’università domina la carta
::: la Repubblica

La cura
Riccardo Luna su Internet e Beppe Grillo
::: Il Post

Do Not Track
Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do not visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.
Segnalato da @_mattux_
::: Do Not Track

Apple by the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]
::: Mashable

Oracle v. Google Trial – The jury verdict is in. They found no infringement of the patents
::: Groklaw ::: Slashdot

The Future of Browser Choice
::: Slashdot

Comparing R, Octave, and Python for Data Analysis
::: Slashdot

Obama To Agencies: Optimize Web Content For Mobile
::: Slashdot

9 Motivi per cui NON ti Followo su Twitter
::: AcrossNowhere

Agenda digitale, Passera: “Banda larga prioritaria”
::: Quinta’s

The Netherlands Passes Net Neutrality Legislation
::: Electronic Frontier Foundation

FBI Quietly Forms Secretive Net-Surveillance Unit
::: Slashdot

wxPython for Python 3 is Almost Here!!!
dai! ci siamo quasi 😀
::: Mouse vs Python

Thoughts on gamifying textbooks
::: Inside 233

Python Fundamentals Tutorial
segnalato dall’ottimo al3hex
::: Marakana

Google pubblica le richieste di rimozione che riceve
::: Quinta’s ::: Slashdot

Never use hard tabs
::: Open Source Hacker

Chi oscura chi e perché
::: manteblog

Python FAQ: Descriptors
::: fuzzy notepad

Python (programming language): What are some cool Python tricks?
::: Quora


Unix doesn’t follow the Unix philosophy
oggi non sono d’accordo con John D. & co.: le opzioni sono il bello e la forza di Unix/Linux
::: The Endeavour

Cribr: Powerful Word Processor with Spell Checking, Summary Creation, Text Compression and more (Windows)
::: Hectic Geek

IBM’s Ban on Dropbox and iCloud Highlights Cloud Security Issues
::: Slashdot

Tiny Core Linux 4.5.3 Is Available for Download
::: Softpedia

Dark Days Ahead For Facebook and Google?
::: Slashdot

Free Desktop Software Development Dead In Windows 8
::: Slashdot

Apple presents the all new iRock!! So inovative
::: 9GAG

How to Backup Linux Applications
::: TechSource

Game Over
::: 9GAG

OK, alla prossima 😉

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