Visto nel Web – 124

OK, ora legale, anche se… OK, ecco cosa ho visto nel Web.


Floppy canterini
::: Palmux

::: isocpp

Flash is dead, long live OpenFL!
::: Gamasutra


AMD Develops New Linux Open-Source Driver Model
::: Slashdot

Google’s lightweight image format makes YouTube pages load 10 percent faster
::: Engadget

Range-Checks and Recklessness
::: Programming in the 21st Century


Lettera aperta su XPocalypse rivolta ai LUG italiani
::: GrappaLUG

Digital – PDP
::: Twitter

GNU/Linux Distribution Timeline
::: Futurist


Unless companies pay, their Facebook updates reach 6 percent of followers
::: Boing Boing

Bash implementation of 2048 game
incredibile 🙄
::: github

The 2048 game implemented in sed
::: github

be happy

Come impostare un autocompletamento “umano” per Python in Geany
::: La concoide

JavaScript Inventor Brendan Eich Named New CEO of Mozilla
::: Slashdot ::: Lambda the Ultimate ::: Slashdot ::: WSJ ::: The Verge

Doudou Linux per i bambini ma non solo
::: Freeonline


Google e Luxottica. La tecnologia ha bisogno di design. Saper fare e saper inventare
::: Luca De Biase

A practical introduction to functional programming
::: Mary Rose Cook

New Approach Could Stop Websites from Leaking or Stealing Your Data
::: Technology Review


Facebook Buying Oculus VR For $2 Billion
::: Slashdot

The Curious Nature of Sharing Cascades on Facebook
::: Technology Review

Brazil House Passes Internet Bill as Data Demand Dropped
::: Bloomberg


#socialUniversity – Le universitĂ  italiane sui social network
::: nexa

Lettere d’amore fra Alice e Bob
in realtĂ  RSA
::: Num3ri

What Zuckerberg Sees in Oculus Rift
::: Technology Review ::: Slashdot


Resources for learning about Python internals and CPython source code
::: github

::: Twitter

The singularity
::: Twitter


Toward Better Programming
sono vecchio: non l’ho apprezzato (o capito)
::: Slashdot

Pochissime persone al mondo meritano il mio sabato mattina. LUI è una di queste
::: Twitter


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