Visto nel Web – 141

OK, sono in ferie; cioè da ieri qui sono tutti in ferie. Ma una cosa non va in ferie mai: visto nel Web.

Nei prodotti Apple uno sniffer ed un dump in USA dei dati personali degli utenti (?)
::: Quinta’s

Boxpx is a fast way to share photo albums, built on Dropbox
::: Boxpx

Dealing With ‘Advertising Pollution’
::: Slashdot


DemocracyOS is an online space for deliberation and voting on political proposals. The software aims to stimulate better arguments and come to better rulings.
personalmente ho parecchi dubbi
::: github

File encryption software that does more with less
::: miniLock

Linux Needs Resource Management For Complex Workloads
::: Slashdot


How YouTube works

La XPocalypse di Windows XP ha inizio: ecco “Zombie Zero”, il primo virus
::: Dario Cavedon (iced)

“Wearable” Prototype
::: Twitter


How can we write better software? – Interview series, part 1
::: Mozilla Hacks

#DennisRitchie #Computing #Programming
::: Google+

Six Clicks: More Linux single-board computers
::: ZDNet

martine franck

martine franck

L’oscurantismo, la ricerca, i diritti umani. E la Commissione alla Camera per i principi dell’Internet Bill of Rights
::: Luca De Biase

I premi Turing: Edsger Dijkstra
::: Mr. Palomar

How Code Has Changed Since The Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Software has come a long way in 45 years
::: readwrite


Most Valuable Programming Language in Future
non sono d’accordo, segnalo soltanto
::: I am Programmer

Chi vince piglia tutto: concentrazione, power law e net neutrality
::: Luca De Biase

Le alternative multi-core a Raspberry Pi
::: Marco’s Box


Boldrini: al via Commissione per “Internet Bill of rights”. Prima riunione il 28 luglio a Montecitorio. L’elenco dei componenti
::: Camera dei deputati

L’iPhone è nudo: iOS è pieno di backdoor messe da Apple
::: tom’s ::: The Next Web

Da EFF una estensione per Firefox e Chrome contro il tracciamento
::: Quinta’s


This Feisty Linux Company Has An Interesting Plan To Topple Android
::: Business Insider

IPFS: The Permanent Web, by Juan Benet
::: The Sourcegraph

Vittoria in Italia: il tribunale dichiara Wikipedia “un servizio basato sulla libertà degli utenti”
::: Wikimedia


Washington vuole guardare in ogni server, anche in Italia
::: tom’s

UK Cabinet Office Adopts ODF As Exclusive Standard For Sharable Documents
::: Slashdot ::: Computerworld Italia

Why C++ is the perfect choice for modern app development
::: betanews


NOI siamo il modello di business
::: RudyBandiera

How recursion got into programming: a comedy of errors
::: A Programmers Place

Il Ministro della SIAE
::: manteblog


Conquering the Command Line
Unix and Linux Commands for Developers
::: Conquering the Command Line

Microsoft’s CEO Says He Wants to Unify Windows
::: Slashdot

Dieci motivi per non usare Linux
::: Freestyle Pc


Indagine UE sull’equo compenso: aiuto di Stato per SIAE?
::: tom’s ::: noiseFromAmeriKa

Tolosa passa a LibreOffice e risparmia 1 milione di euro
::: Marco’s Box

Internet Explorer Vulnerabilities Increase 100%
::: Slashdot


Python bumps off Java as top learning language
::: JavaWorld

::: Bonkers World

Microsoft’s Open Interoperability Gamble Rolls New Dice
::: Forbes


Fermo passa all’open source
::: Daniele Colò

InterState: A Language and Environment for Expressing Interface Behavior
::: Lambda the Ultimate

The Curse of the Excluded Middle
“Mostly functional” programming does not work
::: ACMQ


South Korea gives up on Microsoft
::: TechEye

The NSA’s New Partner In Spying: Saudi Arabia’s Brutal State Police
::: Slashdot

History of Lossless Data Compression Algorithms
::: IEEE


What is memory safety?
::: The Programming Languages Enthusiast

Il codice è codice, la legge è software: la cultura digitale è un diritto
::: Luca De Biase

WhatsApp Usage by Country
::: Twitter


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