Visto nel Web – 168

Vicissitudine lispiche, in via di superamento, anzi prossimamente vi dico. Intanto ecco cosa ho visto nel Web.


Bjarne Stroustrup Awarded 2015 Dahl-Nygaard Prize
::: Slashdot

Why We Don’t Teach Testing (Even Though We’d Like To)
::: Software Carpentry

#Verybello: l’epic fail del sito con gli eventi culturali per Expo
poi basta :mrgreen:
::: Downloadblog ::: Paolo Maria Luino ::: Twitter ::: Twitter

É nel patto del nazzareno anche questo?
::: Twitter

Crescita esponenziale e intelligenza artificiale
::: Luca De Biase

Google wireless service could disrupt carriers
::: The Seattle Times


Code is words
bravo Aubrey anche se ci sono altri editors
::: Questo blog non esiste

25.1.15 0 commenti
Repubblica sbaglia, i lettori correggono, Repubblica nasconde tutto. Come al solito
::: Il Disinformatico

::: Twitter

Brought To You By the Letter R: Microsoft Acquiring Revolution Analytics
::: Slashdot

Why We Still Can’t Really Put Anything In the Public Domain
::: Slashdot

RASPBERRY PI – un NAS a pochi euro
::: ElectroYou


A practical introduction to functional programming
::: Mary Rose Cook

HowTo: Use Bash Parameter Substitution Like A Pro
::: NixCraft

Google hands data to US Government in WikiLeaks espionage case
::: Wikileaks

Understanding the ELF
::: Medium

IBM is about to get hit with a massive reorg and layoffs
::: ITworld

Inside Ford’s New Silicon Valley Lab
::: Slashdot


Massima stima per questa signora!
::: Twitter

Con #AppleWatch potrete addirittura cnoscere l’ora in diretta
::: Twitter

In comparison with Twitter and YouTube
::: Twitter

Caduta mondiale per #Facebook
::: Twitter ::: Twitter ::: Twitter

Pattern is a web mining module for the Python programming language
::: CLiPS

Building and using llvmlite – a basic example
::: Eli Bendersky


Di Sandboxed Applications e di come cambieranno il modo di distribuire software in Linux
::: La concoide

New programming language for fast simulations
::: ScienceDaily

Why Coding Is Not the New Literacy
::: Slashdot

Ten countries where people have been arrested over social media messages
::: Xindex

Foto in pubblico dominio
::: Luca De Biase

The Digital Revolution Needs a Transparency Revolution
::: Medium


Ray Kurzweil’s Mind-Boggling Predictions for the Next 25 Years
::: Singularity Hub

8 Best Python Data Science Books
molti link interessanti
::: Big Data Examiner

Serious Network Function Vulnerability Found In Glibc
::: Slashdot ::: SIAMO GEEK

Everything we know of NSA and Five Eyes malware
::: Nex

Computer Chess Created In 487 Bytes, Breaks 32-Year-Old Record
::: Slashdot

AMD’s next-gen CPU leak: 14nm, simultaneous multithreading, and DDR4 support
::: ExtremeTech


Developing Android Apps completely in Python
::: EuroPython

The Most Diabolical Python Antipattern
::: Real Python

Who the hell believes reading on a phone is better than on a tablet?
::: Twitter

The American App Economy Is Now “Bigger Than Hollywood”
::: Slashdot

La mappa dell’odio in Italia Al Nord più tweet contro donne e gay
::: La 27 ora

AstroML: Machine Learning code for Astronomy
::: PyPI


The State of Ello
::: Dembot

#StopDjihadisme : contre le terrorisme, tous unis et tous vigilants
::: Twitter

An efficient blocker add-on for various browsers. Fast, potent, and lean
::: github

Anonymous No More: Your Coding Style Can Give You Away
::: Slashdot

I belive that @Microsoft is becoming the new “think different”
::: Twitter ::: Twitter

[webdev] sortable table
::: The Ubuntu Incident


Cryptolocker e la sua variante italiana (in aggiornamento)
::: Gioxx

Never trust a corporation to do a library’s job
::: Medium

Trop de cash tue le cash
::: CommitStrip

Gioca anche tu al gioco più virale del WEB!
::: Google+

Come aprire un blog – tecnicaglie
::: Prima o poi

#Build your own dynamic DNS service with GO!
::: Mateusz Kaczanowski


unpyc3 – Decompiler for Python3
::: Google code

I danni del controllo in rete, la Cina e noi
::: Chiusi nella rete

US Wireless Spectrum Auction Raises $44.9 Billion
::: Slashdot

Albert: un nuovo quick launcher per Linux
::: oneOpenSource

ProxMate, accedere ai siti bloccati da restrizioni regionali
::: Prima o poi

British army creates team of Facebook warriors
::: the Guardian


#coderdojo a Voghera alle origini c’era il Basic ora abbiamo Scratch…un altro pianeta!
::: Twitter

Collection of hi-res posters to adorn your Computing classroom
::: Twitter

Gnome 3 il più bell’incompreso del mondo Open
::: Marco’s Box

How, and Why, Apple Overtook Microsoft
::: Slashdot

virtualenvwrapper 4.3.2 – Enhancements to virtualenv
::: Doug Hellmann


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