Visto nel Web – 172

È stata la settimana della Net Neutrality; ho già rendicontato ma qui in fondo ci metto gli aggiornamenti. Chissà se… 😀 Intanto ecco cos’altro ho visto nel Web.

Angelica Atondo

Angelica Atondo

5 ways Ubuntu is better than Windows
::: I am Programmer

Le sei norme del Book Hacking
::: Mariano Tomatis

Preparing for ECMAScript 6
::: Web Design Weekly

RT @loffio: Scorpacciata di medioevo, offre La Nazione
::: nonleggerlo

How Walking With Smartphones May Have Changed Pedestrian Etiquette
::: Slashdot

The Most Diabolical Python Antipattern
::: Real Python


Google Webfonts, The Spy Inside?
::: The FontFeed

Alan Turing, fra storia e stereotipi
vecchio ma l’avevo perso 🙄
::: Oggi Scienza

Un Pulitzer, un Oscar… che altro ci vuole per capire che quanto rivelato da Snowden è stato davvero importante per tutti?
::: carolafrediani ::: The Intercept

Linux Kernel Switching To Linux v4.0, Coming With Many New Addons
::: Slashdot

Sull’Open Source e Linux: è adatto a tutti e a tutto?
::: Marco’s Box


Lenovo and the Superfish Scam
1. Don’t ever buy a Lenovo computer. Never, ever, ever.
2. If you have a Lenovo computer already, get rid of it.
::: Good Math/Bad Math

AVIDAC, Argonne National Laboratory’s first digital computer, January 1953
::: oldpicsarchive

golang merge (a91c2e0) into master
::: golang ::: Google+

Cultura digitale. Hiroshi Ishii: “I bit saranno i nuovi atomi”
::: Messaggero Veneto

Il PRG di #Palermo con gli #opendata
::: giowile


Hacking Python AST: checking methods declaration
::: Julien Danjou

Software Patents Are Increasingly Coming Under Fire In Court
::: TechCrunch

Google Teams Up With 3 Wireless Carriers To Combat Apple Pay
::: Slashdot

La velocità con cui cambia il mondo
::: Giuseppe Granieri

Transcript: NSA Director Mike Rogers vs. Yahoo! on Encryption Back Doors
::: Just Security


1 in 3 Laptops fail over 3 years: Netbooks fail 20% more than laptops
::: SquareTrade

Hacklab X – Anno 2, Edizione Speciale 1
::: Hacklab Cosenza

Google and blogs: “Shit.”

Shannon, McCarthy, Fredkin, and Weizenbaum 1966
::: LispWorld

I’m no longer convinced that adding to scipy should be our goal
::: jakevdp


We would be at 50% unemployment
::: SwiftOnSecurity

I use @libreoffice on both Linux and M$ Windoze and love it
::: WolfieSmiffed

Common Lisp in the 21st Century
::: CL21

At the heart of Hailo: a Golang geoindex library
::: The Hailo

How to Use KDE Plasma Desktop Like a Pro


The Case Against E-readers — Why Digital Natives Prefer Reading On Paper
::: Slashdot

Optimizing Python in the Real World: NumPy, Numba, and the NUFFT
jake lo metto nel Blogroll
::: Pythonic Perambulations ::: jakevdp

Intro.js: Step-by-step guide for your projects
::: DevPen

Microsoft introduces ASP.NET 5, runs on Windows, Mac and Linux
d’ho! 🙄
::: WinBeta

AMD’s next laptop processor is mostly about battery life
::: Engadget

I'm Programmer

I’m Programmer

Opening keynote: The 5 stages of learning Go (with examples), Francesc Campoy
::: Sourcegraph

miniMAL – A Lisp implemented in < 1 KB of JavaScript with macros, TCO, interop and exception handling
::: kanaka

La #ScuolaDigitale Gestisce gli account via fax
::: MarcoAlici

One in four students uses social media to contact university staff
::: THE

Patterns for composable concurrent pipelines in Go
::: Gopher Academy



Il Kindle del 1922
::: Zen-Funk Panda

Web Starter Kit for Angular Dart – Samples
::: Web Starter Kit

Facebook’s Colonies
::: Slashdot

The Programmers Who Want To Get Rid of Software Estimates
::: Slashdot

Who Wins The Battle of The Disrupted Tech Giants: HP Or IBM?
::: TechCrunch

Italia Unita per la Scienza

Programmando si impara: da Samsung un progetto per il coding nelle scuole
::: il Sole 24 Ore

10 Trucchi per Win 7-8
::: OpenFreeMan

Linux su chiavetta: YUMI e Linux Live USB Creator a confronto
::: OpenFreeMan

Firefox Hello
::: OpenFreeMan


Obiettivi raggiunti
::: Gli Amici di Lubit

La censura chiude la pagina Facebook Dimissioni e tutti a casa
::: Piovegovernolad

Most requests to censor tweets
::: conradhackett

The countries with the fastest and slowest broadband speeds
::: thei100

Il vostro sito è compatibile con i dispositivi mobili? Chiedetelo gratis a Google
per entrambi i blog ottengo “Fantastico. Questa pagina è ottimizzata per i dispositivi mobili.” sono bravo, assay 😉
::: Il Disinformatico


Tim Cook Says Apple Watch Could Replace Your Car Keys, And That’s Just The Start
::: TechCrunch

Do programmers have any specific superstitions?
::: dbgrandi

Si les langages de programmation étaient des taxis
::: CommitStrip

Chinese internet giants purge 60,000 accounts for inappropriate usernames
::: Engadget


Russians Take to Social Media to Mourn Boris Nemtsov
::: The Moscow Times

Check Out Google’s Insane Plans for a New Headquarters
::: Bloomberg

Anche il secondo CoderDojo è stato bellissimo
::: dcavedon


Net Neutrality: Triumph of the Ruling Class
::: Beautiful Anarchy

Net neutrality. E ora tocca all’Europa
::: Luca De Biase

FCC Adopts Net-Neutrality Rule Backed by Obama for Internet
::: Bloomberg

Internet: si scrive ‘net neutrality’, si traduce ‘libertà’
::: Il Fatto Quotidiano

Neutralità della rete, una vittoria dell’attivismo e dei cittadini
::: Wired

So, whatever happened to net neutrality in Europe?
::: EDRi


Non una parola sullo storico voto sulla #netneutrality dal presidente-del-digitale-e-dell’innovazione
::: fabiochiusi

#NetNeutrality victory! Grumpy Cat flies over @Comcast HQ
::: ScottMSanders

Here’s how far we’ve come with net neutrality
::: Engadget

F.C.C. Moves to Free Up Community Broadband Services
::: Bits


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