Visto nel Web – 178

Ecco, come ogni domenica, una nuova puntata di cosa ho visto nel Web.
Why Software Craftsmanship Needs To Stop Worrying About The Colour Of The Bike Shed & Focus On The Big Issues
::: Software People Inspiring
::: Grab the Blaster

Make a bootable Windows USB from Linux (Ubuntu)
::: OneTransistor

After Anti-Donation Executive Order, Bitcoin Donations For Snowden Jump
::: Slashdot

By combining Haskell + Unicode
::: kaepora


LOL at all the people using the World Wide Web to complain about #RestartLHC
::: paulcoxon

Does your life have this infinite loop?
::: NowTalkIT

China’s Man-on-the-Side Attack on GitHub

Operating Systems
::: xkcd

cellphones at the red sea

Ubuntu (and Unity) at CERN
::: 3v1n0

Tecnologie contro la paura di parlare in pubblico
::: Oggi Scienza

Basta con la teoria dei Nativi digitali!
::: ulaulaman

10 Years of Git: An Interview with Git Creator Linus Torvalds


È la vostra privacy

Judge Allows Divorce Papers To Be Served Via Facebook
piacerebbe a quelli di Famiglia Cristiana, assay 😀 😀 😀
::: Slashdot

John Oliver to Edward Snowden: ‘No One Knows Who the Fuck You Are’
::: Motherboard

Ultra-fast charging aluminum battery offers safe alternative to conventional batteries

Turning the Arduino Uno Into an Apple ][
::: Slashdot


How the New York Times is eluding censors in ChinaHow the New York Times is eluding censors in China
::: Quartz Share and discover the best programming tutorials and courses online
::: The Ubuntu Incident

Statement from original Snowden bust artists on last night’s hologram tribut
::: moneyries

Juste une exception, qu’ils disaient…
::: CommitStrip

Stack Overflow 2015 Developer Survey Reveals Coder Stats
::: Slashdot


Russia might have hacked the White House
::: Engadget

Turchia, i colossi web cedono ai censori – ed è un problema
::: Chiusi nella rete

The Cyberlearning Technologies Transforming Education
::: Slashdot

Parla il papà di ‪Arduino‬: “ecco perché (purtroppo) ci siamo rivolti ai giudici”
::: CheFuturo

U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls for decades


Finding the forgotten women who programmed the world’s first electronic computer
::: PRI

The Woman who Hacked Hollywood
::: Medium

Why Netflix is embracing Python over Java
::: InfoWorld

Facebook resta il social più usato dai ragazzi
::: fabiochiusi

TV5 Monde piraté par un groupe djihadiste
::: lemondefr


Remember, kids, JavaScript and Java are TOTALLY different
::: codinghorror

The Key To Interviewing At Google
::: Slashdot

Live long, Code & Prosper!
::: Codemotion

Using Wikipedia: a scholar redraws academic lines by including it in his syllabus
::: The Conversation

List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
::: The Ubuntu Incident


24% of teens go online ‘almost constantly.’
::: OCLC

“Why don’t you use C++ instead of Python? It’s so much faster!”
::: jakevdp

Remember, the computer should be doing the work for you
::: climagic


Sulla reputazione e il valore, dentro e fuori dalla rete
::: Sergio Gridelli

Twitter rimuove 10 mila profili pro-ISIS in un giorno
::: Chiusi nella rete

Office Online e Dropbox si uniscono nella modifica dei documenti
::: Downloadblog

Linux Voice: an awesome Linux magazine
::: The Ubuntu Incident


Un’occhiata a “Periscope”, l’app del momento
::: La fumettista curiosa

Weekly Inspirational #1
::: Davide Aversa

Primo Forum dell’Industria Italiana del Software Libero!
::: Industria Italiana del Software Libero

China’s Great Cannon
::: Citizen Lab


Whoever created Outlook
::: KyleStack

DIY: Make Your Own Programming Language
l’idea è OK, chissà se continua; e dove arriva.
::: Mattias Appelgren

Quanto ci costa Facebook?
::: Google+

Cervelli in funzione a pieno regime al #CoderDojo di Rosà
::: AViLUG ::: AViLUG

Fearless Concurrency with Rust
::: The Rust Programming Language


Devuan will replace Ubuntu?
::: Open source electronic projects

Florida Teen Charged With Felony Hacking For Changing Desktop Wallpaper
::: Slashdot

Losing Your Loops: Fast Numerical Computing with NumPy (PyCon 2015)
Jake e NumPy: stupite!
::: Speaker Deck


After EFF Effort, Infamous “Podcasting Patent” Invalidated
::: Slashdot

Today is the 10th anniversary
::: peterseibel

Locking the Web open: Why we need to rethink the World Wide Web
::: The Next Web

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