Visto nel Web – 198

Mille. Lo dice il signor WordPress che tiene il conto. Chi l’avrebbe pensato mai! Intanto ecco cosa ho visto nel Web.

Gary Waters

Gary Waters

Google Is Working On A New Type Of Algorithm Called “Thought Vectors”
::: WT VOX

Welcome to Rust-101
::: Ralf Jung

Ubuntu Core Gets Support For Raspberry Pi 2 GPIO and I2C
::: Slashdot

Why Google Wants To Sell You a Wi-Fi Router
::: Slashdot

Swatch plans multiple smartwatches, but they’ll be simple
::: Engadget

Another “big” question
Will scientific fields give rise to hegemonic domain specific [programming] languages (within 5-15 years)?
::: Lambda the Ultimate


Deploying Racket applications on Heroku
::: Alexis King

Why Go and Rust are Competitors
::: Caleb Doxsey

The Top 10 Programming Languages On GitHub, Over Time
::: Slashdot

Io ancora devo capire che cazzo ci fate con ‘sti #smartphone
::: Genjuro75

Twitter bots are trying to silence Mexican protesters
::: Engadget ::: fabiochiusi


Andamento e futuro dell’open source: l’indagine 2015
::: Tech Economy

Linus Torvalds: Security is never going to be perfect
::: ITworld

Windows 95 compie vent’anni

Immutability changes everything!
::: jamesiry

Best/worst thing about #coding
::: reneehlozek


First comes the leak. Then, the tools to parse it. Then, the panic
::: fabiochiusi

Buon compleanno Linux!!!!!
::: rewasp1973 ::: daw985

TweetQureet: a full Golang technology stack
::: Qureet

A Breakdown of the Windows 10 Privacy Policy
::: Slashdot

This hydrogen fuel cell-powered iPhone 6 delivers an entire week of battery life
::: ExtremeTech


Le « Hello World » le plus difficile
::: CommitStrip

Alibaba’s Cloud Computing Group Says Its New Artificial Intelligence Platform Is China’s First
::: TechCrunch

10+1 piccoli particolari (errati) nel rapporto Netics sul caso Pesaro
::: Tech Economy

Convert any Python file into a single line of code which has the same functionality.
una pazzia ma geniale 😀
::: csvoss

State of the Common Lisp Ecosystem, 2015
::: eudoxia


Massachusetts Boarding School Sued Over Wi-Fi Sickness
questa cosa ogni tanto ritorna, pare sia solo fuffa
::: Slashdot

Più insieme che soli
::: Chiusi nella rete

Linux ha 24 anni
anche RaiNews!
::: RaiNews

How Linux was born, as told by Linus Torvalds himself
::: Ars Technica

This Italian company pioneered innovative startup culture—in the 1930s
::: Quartz


Doing Astronomy with Python
::: Linux Journal

Alfabeto Open: S as “Security”
::: Tech Economy

Python, Machine Learning, and Language Wars. A Highly Subjective Point of View
avendo tempo meriterebbe un post tutto suo, o tutta una serie
::: Sebastian Raschka

I crossed the 75000 reputation mark on Stackoverflow with 1171 #Lisp related answers.
un modello cui ispirarsi 😀
::: RainerJoswig

Statistics in Python
::: Statistics in Python


Building Python modules with Go 1.5
::: Filippo Valsorda

Facebook Is Now Working On Its Own Digital Assistant Called M
::: Slashdot

How To Keep Microsoft’s Nose Out of Your Personal Data In Windows 10
::: Slashdot

Distribution Release: Scientific Linux 6.7
::: DistroWatch

State al riparo
::: manteblog


Computing Division at the Department of the Treasury, mid 1920s
::: oldpicsarchive

In Praise of the Solo Programmer
::: Slashdot

Windows 10 booms as PC sales collapse
::: ExtremeTech

La gestione del cambiamento secondo #Nokia
::: stefanoepifani

Public Domain should be protected like any other resource
::: copymeorg


RISC OS Open: Raspberry Pi
::: RISC OS Open

Is Office 365 cheaper than OpenOffice and open source?
M$ Pesaro, continua
::: CIO ::: Dario Cavedon (iced) ::: Dario Cavedon (iced)

10 buone ragioni per NON passare a Linux
::: Dario Cavedon (iced)

Former Apple CEO Creates an iPhone Competitor
::: Slashdot

Writing code that writes code — with Hack Codegen
::: Facebook Code


US formally demanded Norway extradite Edward Snowden
::: Free Snowden

Quando software libero e sicurezza vanno a braccetto: l’esempio BackBox
::: Tech Economy

Make a GET Request in Nimrod
una segnalazione: Connor è passato a Nim, una promessa tra i linguaggi del futuro
::: Connor Johnson

Embeddable Common-Lisp
::: Common Lisp

Prodi: “Se c’è chi ti impedisce l’analisi è Twitter”
::: fabiochiusi


Stop a Flash dal 1 settembre

Loi de Murphy de Moore
::: CommitStrip

Ubuntu Is the Dominant Cloud OS
::: Slashdot

ES6 In Depth: The Future
::: Mozilla Hacks

Symantec Researchers Find 49 New Modules of Regin Spying Tool
::: Slashdot

Lasp – A Language for Distributed, Eventually Consistent Computations
::: Lasp

Wifi, mobiles… : l’hypersensibilité aux ondes reconnue comme un “handicap grave”
::: Le Point

Nilesh Kurhade

Nilesh Kurhade

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