Visto nel Web – 205

Sabato prossimo, 24 ottobre c’è il Linux Day, io ci sono a Torino, voi tutti al vostro. Non vedo l’ora che arrivi sabato pomeriggio ma intanto ecco cosa ho visto nel Web.

Windows 10 didn’t stop PC sales from dropping this summer
::: Engadget

The New Semiconductor Electronics
::: Iannaccone

Just say no to Facebook’s, says inventor of World Wide Web
::: The Times of India ::: Hacker News

Claim: NSA mass surveillance keeps us safe. Fact: In over 10 years, not 1 life saved in US
::: Snowden

Monads for Drummers
There are so many monad tutorials but no one tried to explain it so that even a drummer can understand it!
::: anton-k


Microsoft non acquisterà Canonical
::: oneOpenSource

Così Putin controlla internet in Russia
::: L’Espresso ::: Chiusi nella rete

Canonical produrrà giocattoli
::: oneOpenSource

Finnish primary school teachers are learning Racket programming
Finlandia arrivo! M&P mi ospitate?
::: PartanenTiina

Programmer found dead in the shower
::: pickover


Basta reumatismi!
::: bit3lux

-12 Non Mancateeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
::: 0iras0r

Why Many CSS Colors Have Goofy Names
::: Slashdot

The Little Printf
::: “As bad as anything else”

Container e altre amenità
::: GNUrants


Facebook, non solo “Like”: arrivano le “Reactions”
::: Sky TG24

Foutue checkbox
::: CommitStrip

#Arduino team (proudly) presents #Genuino Starter Kit!
::: arduino

Rule of thumb: if you explicitly compute a matrix inverse when implementing an algorithm, you’re probably doing it wrong
ma ai miei tempi si doveva fare anche quello
::: jakevdp

The Final Leaked TPP Text Is All That We Feared
::: Electronic Frontier Foundation


Game of Life with Python
::: the Glowing Python

Dell. EMC. HP. Cisco. These Tech Giants Are the Walking Dead
::: Wired

24 ottobre: un Linux Day per aziende
::: Tech Economy ::: Mattux’s

Stallman watches Eben Moglen compare him to Newton
::: xor

Based on my time at twitter, there’s a lot of engineers who aren’t doing anything useful
cosa succede a Twitter?
::: MarkCC


quando la PA non crea i portali dei dati aperti, le community di cittadinanza attiva creano i NON-portali 🙂
::: cirospat

How to Setup DockerUI – a Web Interface for Docker
::: Linoxide

Where are all the search trees?
::: Daniel Lemire ::: Daniel Lemire

Codice inutile

::: Slashdot


Una breve storia personale del software libero (open source)
::: Tech Economy

New Clay Shirky book on how China challenges western Internet firms and vice-versa
::: Boing Boing

Sempre amato le lettere ai giornali
::: chedisagio

Her Code Got Humans on the Moon—And Invented Software Itself
::: Wired

Les cinq phases de la mise en place des coding rules
::: CommitStrip


ci sarebbe da fare un lungo discorso qui; citando i nomi 😉 e finendo nei pasticci 🙄 magari all’amabsciata dell’Equador 😦
::: The Clean Coder

Internet Radio Gnome Shell Extension
::: OS)(SIDE

How to Read Clojure Code Like an Expert
in realtà è una cosa semplice
::: Lisp Cast

Quando la Olivetti inventò il pc e conquistò New York
::: la Stampa

The Drone Papers
::: The Intercept ::: fabiochiusi


calligraphy + ASM =
::: angealbertini

La sorveglianza, i diritti civili e la battaglia per la democrazia
::: Valigia Blu

Etichetta 3D [Convert]
::: Lubit Linux

Hey Common Lispers, look what just made it into #LFE!
::: oubiwann

Tipping point models
::: nbviewer


Will digital books ever replace print?
::: aeon

Facebook wants you to spend all your time on Facebook
::: Washington Post

Aggiornamento forzato a Windows 10: Microsoft chiede scusa, ecco come tornare indietro
::: Downloadblog

Usb Killer 2.0, la pennetta pericolosissima: «Non attaccatela al pc». Ecco perché
::: MSN

Aspettando la crescita
::: Tech Economy


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