Visto nel Web – 213

Anche se indaffarato con altre cose e in condizioni così-così per salute e entusiasmo ecco cosa ho visto nel Web.
Python: Generators, Coroutines, Native Coroutines and async/await
::: Abu Ashraf Masnun

IBM 305 RAMAC Disk System
::: I am Programmer

Anche a Torino … ci sono gli smanettoni!
::: Torino Tech Scene

Zuckerberg Answers Critics of His Move To Give Away His Facebook Stock
::: Slashdot

The convergence of compilers, build systems and package managers
::: Inside 233



After Paris Attacks, Proposed French Law Would Block Tor and Forbid Free Wi-Fi
diranno Pisanù pronunciando la u a modo loro: ü 😦
::: Motherboard ::: fabiochiusi ::: torproject

Fedelta’ e servitu’ digitali
::: TRIWU’

Internet shut-downs are becoming a routine form of “riot control” in India
::: AFJellema

Ora del Codice 2015
ormai per quest’anno è finita ma prossimamente…
::: Dario Cavedon (iced) ::: Laboratorio di Tecnologie Audiovisive

Digital Champion? Inutile gonfiare il petto, se non si rimette ordine nel ruolo. Intervenga Renzi
::: Key4biz ::: Giuseppe Granieri


No Reboot
::: CommitStrip

Facebook Shuts Down Creative Labs
::: Slashdot

How popular is Swift? It’s already the number one language on GitHub
::: The Next Web

Developing In C/C++? Why You Should Consider Clang Over GCC
::: Slashdot


We Don’t Want Mark Zuckerberg’s Charity
::: Jacobin

Eric Schmidt on How to Build a Better Web
::: The New York Times

Dalla Conferenza LibreItalia LibreOffice 2015
::: LibreItalia

How to design a Pokémon-like Combat System – Chapter 1
::: Davide Aversa

Ue, c’è l’accordo sulla cybersecurity: ai Paesi richieste strategie nazionali e più collaborazione
::: Tech Economy


Python Is Not C: Take Two
::: IBM DevelopWorks

Swift Package Manager: Create and Use a X11 package on Linux
::: APPVENTURE ::: Grab the Blaster ::: ZDNet

The Analytical Engine: 28 Plans and Counting
::: Computer History Museum

Wired Thinks It Knows Who Satoshi Nakamoto Is
::: Slashdot

Valls dit non à l’interdiction du Wi-Fi public et de TOR
contrordine, niente Pisanù 😀
::: Numerama


So Pocket wants to be Twitter and Twitter wants to be Facebook
::: Donearm

Why Silicon Valley Won’t Enlist in Anti-Terror Fight
::: Bloomberg

Chiudere Internet contro il terrorismo: l’idea liberticida che piace anche ai democratici
::: Valigia Blu

Gigasquid’s Radar 2015
avendo tempo…
::: Carin Meier

GeoGebra Graphing Calculator
per cellulari, free, dovete
::: Google play


There’s no Internet censorship in China, says China’s top Internet censor
::: Boing Boing

Sto cercando di fare una video call multi punto e si fa fatica a farla
::: AlfonsoFuggetta

Cyber Crime
secondo loro
::: mikko

Everyone has the right to “Internet Access and Affordability”
::: cipesaug

Installare E20 su Ubuntu 15.10
::: TUXJournal


Copyright Communication: the good, the bad, and the ugly
::: Communia

Scuola digitale e insegnanti
::: manteblog

L’anno dell’open source
::: Apogeonline

European Court of Human Rights says blanket surveillance is a violation
::: Ars Technica

The Two Leading Presidential Candidates — Clinton And Trump — Are Both Mocking Free Speech On The Internet
::: techdirt


Il computer quantistico di Google è una scheggia
::: Guarda il tuo futuro

Basi della Programmazione spiegate in Scratch
::: Giocare a programmare e programmare giocando

Screenshots from developers: 2002 vs. 2015
::: Anders Jensen-Urstad

Facebook Joins Stampede of Tech Giants Giving Away Artificial Intelligence Technology
::: Technology Review

Announcing Rust 1.5
::: The Rust Programming Language


Al corso di robotica si comincia costruendo anatre #LEGO
voglio fare quel corso 😀
::: emanuelebalboni

Mad #Mindstorms ducky road
::: emanuelebalboni

Associazioni fortunose
::: emanuelebalboni

We’re building the Ethereum Computer

The Popularity of Python in a Java World
::: The New Stack


Obama Administration To Offer Full Position On Encryption By End of Year
::: Slashdot

La biblioteca (digitale) di Oblivion
impressionante, e lo script è semplicissimo
::: Mind Matters

How to Switch from the Imperative Mindset
::: Lisp Cast

Piccoli passi digitali da fare subito
::: manteblog

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