cit. & loll – 15

Probabilmente non c’è tutto ma questo è quello che ho visto 😀


Programming is the art of doing one thing at a time
::: abt_programming

I have no idea who wrote this, but it’s excellent. Maths ❤
::: debecca

Becoming self-aware
::: dfjsteve

Cos’è il genio
::: Siamo Geek

We have a problem
::: J4vv4D


All research involves risk
::: wallingf

What is a DDoS?
::: kokonoe0825

For 30 years @herbsutter has been in a position to solve tabs versus spaces
::: isotrumpp

The universe is powered by Debian Linux
::: nixcraft


Alcuni li retwitto perchè
::: lindafirst22

Edsger Wybe Dijkstra quote
::: CodeWisdom

how to be a wizard programmer
::: b0rk

So uhm, what are Vim users gonna do now?
::: ayanonagon ::: Gidgerby ::: Donearm ::: johns_FSF


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