Visto nel Web – 274

Ecco che arriva la rassegna di cosa ho wisto nel Web 🍎


Mozilla Binds Firefox’s Fate To The Rust Language
#:linguaggi di programmazione #:ditte
::: Slashdot

Introduction to Computing – Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines
#:programming, codice, snippet
::: b3h3m0th

Univac 1050-II console
::: doctorow

View 360 Panorama Photos on Ubuntu with this Image Viewer Plugin
#:tools, componenti software
::: Genjuro75

#:Panic! 👿
::: Siamo Geek


The new Tiny #Lisp Computer. Make your own!
#:lisp(s) #:hardware
::: RainerJoswig

getopt — Command Line Option Parsing
#:linguaggi di programmazione
::: doughellmann

Zen of Assembly Language – Free Knowledge, CS book n.2
#:linguaggi di programmazione
::: b3h3m0th

Milano, l’assessora arrivata da Microsoft rifiuta di fornire i redditi del 2015: l’Anac apre istruttoria
#:free open source software
::: Il Fatto Quotidiano

Try Raspberry Pi’s PIXEL OS on your PC
#:sistemi operativi
::: mrbyte72


The tiny ulisp not only runs on its own Tiny Lisp PCB
::: RainerJoswig

Writing safer C with Clang address sanitizer
#:linguaggi di programmazione
::: ThePracticalDev

Build a self-contained computer you can program in Lisp on a single PCB
#:lisp(s) #:hardware
::: technoblogy

Predictability in pseudo-random number generators means hackable slot machines!
#:sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: MrHonner

#LogicielLibre : à la conquête du grand public
#:free open source software
::: zacchiro


Rocket has shipped a 0.2!
#:linguaggi di programmazione
::: rustlang

The 2017 roadmap for #rustlang
#:linguaggi di programmazione
::: rustlang

‘We Need Robots To Take Our Jobs,’ Veteran Tech Reporter John Markoff Explains Why
#:innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

DC Inauguration Protestors Are Being Hit With Facebook Data Searches
#:social media #:sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

French Politician Uses Hologram To Hold Meetings In Two Cities At the Same Time
#:innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot


Basics of Compiler Design
#:manuali, how to
::: Datalogisk

NeXT: Steve Jobs’ IPO that Never Happened
::: Computer History Museum

Yes, there is an #AI threat. But as Alan Bundy argues in @CACMmag, it’s stupid machines, not smart ones
#:artificial intelligence
::: TheOfficialACM

Top-mentioned books on Stack Overflow
#:manuali, how to
::: lizardbill

72% of ‘Anonymous’ Browsing History Can Be Attached To the Real User
#:sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot


Goldman Sachs Automated Trading Replaces 600 Traders With 200 Engineers
#:innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

happy to see that @creativecommons finally has an image search that is even more useful than @google image search
#:free open source software
::: paul_keller

The Data That Turned the World Upside Down
psychometrics, sometimes also called psychographics
#:dati, raccolta #:Web, Internet
::: nesistweets

Sony’s Latest Smartphone Camera Sensor Can Shoot At 1,000fps
#:dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples
#:manuali, how to
::: b3h3m0th


What Elm and Rust Teach us About the Future
#:linguaggi di programmazione
::: ThePracticalDev

Five Ubuntu Unity Features You May Not Have Known About
#:tools, componenti software
::: dcavedon

The draft opinion on EU #copyright reform of the @EPCulture is out!
::: communia_eu

Why Has Cameroon Blocked the Internet?
quindi è fattibile di bloccare Internet e diffondere solo la verità (spesso post-) del Trump locale 😡
::: Slashdot

Programmer Develops Phone Bot To Target Windows Support Scammers
#:sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot


Wikipedia Bans Daily Mail As ‘Unreliable’ Source
#:media #:bufale
::: Slashdot

Weird unix thing: ‘cd //’
Julia rockz! 🚀
#:tip, suggerimenti
::: Julia Evans

10 modi per ostacolare l’Open Data
#:free open source software
::: Tech Economy

Write your own compiler – Introduction
viebel – KLIPSE rockz! 🚀
::: A journey into functional programming

New #Copyright for publishers: false assumptions use to racket sums that have nothing to do with economic situation
::: communia_eu


Seven #GnuPG hackers just founded the GnuPG Verein
#:sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: gnupg

New interactive features in Plotly
#:linguaggi di programmazione
::: SciPyTip

It’s almost enough to make a cyber-commando punch a kitten
da studiare e ricordare
#:programming, codice, snippet
::: wallingf

Why Functional Programming Matters
#:programmazione funzionale
::: b3h3m0th

Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
#:manuali, how to
::: b3h3m0th


a new range of shortcuts with the Hyper key
però Caps Lock mi serve per le E accentate e i tweets grilleschi
#:tip, suggerimenti
::: The Ubuntu Incident

let “Super + d” show the desktop
qualche problema, l’off non ripristina tutto
#:tools, componenti software
::: The Ubuntu Incident

Microsoft Teases Windows 10’s Upcoming ‘Project Neon’ Design Language
#:sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

#GNU Octave is an important scientific tool. Its maintainer needs help after 25 years
#:free open source software
::: fsf

The code that took America to the moon was just published to GitHub, and it’s like a 1960s time capsule
::: petenwood


Principles of Programming Languages
un’altra SICP reseo semplice, Mira è molto più brava di me 😜
#:manuali, how to
::: b3h3m0th

Short Introduction to Functional Programming and Lambda-calculus
#:programmazione funzionale
::: b3h3m0th

I learned a lot from that bug
ahemmm… mi sto perdendo con questo post 👽
#:programming, codice, snippet
::: wallingf

The CPython source code has officially moved to https://github
#:linguaggi di programmazione
::: gvanrossum

#Wearable #Translator Anywhere, Anytime!
#:innovazioni, futuro
::: wearableO


Finally: irrefutable evidence that I never cooperated with Russian intel
#:sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Snowden ::: Slashdot

Spammer Faces Decades In Prison For Sending More Than 1 Million Spam Emails
::: Slashdot

According to Pew, nearly half of American adults say they could not live without their smartphones
#:dispositivi mobili
::: EconBizFin

here are things that must be said no matter the consequence
#:sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Snowden ::: Snowden



Aggiornamento –perpluto 😙
Alle ore 10:30 ho già accumulato 12 URLs da inserire nella prossima puntata della telenovela.
Per ragioni personali posto solo la mattina sul presto per cui mi domando –anzi domando ai lettori– devo spostare al lunedì (o meglio martedì) la rassegna?

Posta un commento o usa questo indirizzo per il trackback.


  • Giovanni  Il 12 febbraio 2017 alle 10:47

    domenica mattina è perfetto secondo me: caffè, formazione professionale e lettura di piacere, cosa chiedere di più. Grazie Juhan!

  • pgiacome  Il 12 febbraio 2017 alle 12:03

    Anche per me da un anno a questa parte è entrato nel rituale domenicale ma capisco che sia dura

  • pippone anonimo  Il 13 febbraio 2017 alle 09:58

    falla quando ti è piu comoda, ma non smettere maiiiiiiiiii! 😉

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