Archivi del mese: luglio 2018

Maxima – 7 – la REPL (command line) – 2

Continuo da qui, copio dal Reference Manual, PDF scaricabile da qui, sono a p.34

nelle istruzioni composte, come block, lambda e (s_1, ..., s_n) è il valore dell’istruzione precedente. È riconosciuto anche in batch e load.

(%i1) block (integrate (x^5, x), ev (%%, x=2) - ev (%%, x=1));
(%o1)                                 --
(%i2) block ([prev], prev: integrate (x^5, x),
               ev (prev, x=2) - ev (prev, x=1));
(%o2)                                 --

Un’istruzione composta può comprendere altre istruzioni composte. In ogni caso %% è il valore dell’istruzione precedente

(%i3) block (block (a^n, %%*42), %%/6);
(%o3)                                7 a

Eh? Within a compound statement, the value of %% may be inspected at a break prompt, which is opened by executing the break function. For example, entering %%; in the following example yields 42.

(%i4) block (a: 42, break ())$

Entering a Maxima break point. Type 'exit;' to resume.

%th (i)
The value of the i’th previous output expression. That is, if the next expression to be computed is the n’th output, %th (m) is the (n - m)’th output.
%th is recognized by batch and load. In a file processed by batch, %th has the same meaning as at the interactive prompt. In a file processed by load, %th refers to output expressions most recently computed at the interactive prompt or in a batch file; %th does not refer to output expressions in the file being processed.

(%i5) 1;2;3;4;5;
(%o5)                                  1
(%o6)                                  2
(%o7)                                  3
(%o8)                                  4
(%o9)                                  5
(%i10) block (s: 0, for i:1 thru 5 do s: s + %th(i), s);
(%o10)                                15

As prefix to a function or variable name, ? signifies that the name is a Lisp name, not a Maxima name. For example, ?round signifies the Lisp function ROUND. Prossimamente…

The notation ? word (a question mark followed a word, separated by whitespace) is equivalent to describe("word"). The question mark must occur at the beginning of an input line; otherwise it is not recognized as a request for documentation.

The notation ?? word (?? followed a word, separated by whitespace) is equivalent to
describe("word", inexact). The question mark must occur at the beginning of an input line; otherwise it is not recognized as a request for documentation.

Maxima – 6 – la REPL (command line) – 1

Continuo da qui, copio dal Reference Manual, PDF scaricabile da qui, sono a p.33

Funzioni e variabili disponibili nella REPL

è l’espressione che si sta valutando, serve per batch e load, per quando si usano files (prossimamente):

(%i1) print ("I was called as", __);
I was called as print(I was called as, __)
(%o1)                     print(I was called as, __)
(%i2) foo (__);
(%o2)                            foo(foo(__))
(%i3) g (x) := (print ("Current input expression =", __), 0);
(%o3)        g(x) := (print("Current input expression =", __), 0)
(%i4) [aa : 1, bb : 2, cc : 3];
(%o4)                              [1, 2, 3]
(%i5) (aa + bb + cc)/(dd + ee + g(x));
                            cc + bb + aa
Current input expression = --------------
                           g(x) + ee + dd
(%o5)                               -------
                                    ee + dd

è l’ultima espressione

(%i6) 13 + 29;
(%o6)                                 42
(%i7) :lisp $_

((MPLUS) 13 29)
(%i7) _;
(%o7)                                 42
(%i8) sin(%pi/2);
(%o8)                                  1
(%i9) :lisp $_

((%SIN) ((MQUOTIENT) $%PI 2))
(%i9) _;
(%o9)                                  1
(%i10) a: 13$

(%i11) b: 29$

(%i12) a + b;
(%o12)                                42
(%i13) :lisp $_

((MPLUS) $A $B)
(%i13) _;
(%o13)                               b + a
(%i14) ev(_);
(%o14)                                 _

OOPS! secondo la guida ev(_) risulta 42, non da me. Errore mio: _ è davvero l’ultima espressione, verifica

(%i22) a + b;
(%o22)                                42
(%i23) ev(_);
(%o23)                                42

OK, rockz! 💥, bisogna prenderci la mano. E, volendo, serve anche come ripasso di CL (Common Lisp) 👽

Formattare le stringhe in Python

Python lo uso da sempre (cioè no, ho solo dimenticato quando l’ho scoperto (o meglio il numero della versione che mi sembra di ricordar è troppo basso per essere credibile) e capita che ogni tanto scopro di non essere aggiornato, sapete l’evilussione 🧐 Per fortuna c’è Twitter che mi suggerisce, via prof Corno ecco: Python 3’s f-Strings: An Improved String Formatting Syntax (Guide).

La documentazione ufficiale corrente di Python (3.6 o mi sto perdendo qualcosa anche qui? sì. c’è la 3.7 nuova di pakka, non ancora installata) è aggiornata e dice tutto, anche se in modo un po’ troppo sintetico per quelli come me.

A formatted string literal or f-string is a string literal that is prefixed with ‘f‘ or ‘F‘.

Conviene quindi seguire la guida di RealPython, anzi RealPython è da followare su Twitter, fatto.

Anzi, la guida è talmente OK che non continuo a scrivere, c’è tutto là. A me resterebbe di aggiornare gazillioni di script che usano non immaginate cosa (l’evilussione) ma poi mi viene da pensare che (cit.)

anche perché capita troppo spesso che parto con l’idea di aggiornare e mi scopro a riscrivere ⭕

Visto nel Web – 351

Non ho visto l’eclisse per via delle nuvole ma intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web 💥

Bing Now Provides Exact Snippets of Code for Developers’ Queries
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the UK. What Comes Next?
Web, Internet | WikiLeaks
::: ggreenwald

LambdaMOO, MUDs, and ‘When the Internet Was Young’
games | storia
::: Slashdot

#Biblioteche e #archivi musicali USA si uniscono a @internetarchive contro la legge che ridurrebbe il #PubblicoDominio per le vecchie registrazioni musicali
copyright e brevetti
::: WikimediaItalia

The “until” tag is really useful in Twitter searches
non sono riuscito a capire bene come usarlo
::: mikkotweets2013

Military and intelligence agencies around the world are already waging secret information wars in cyberspace. Their memes are already profoundly influencing public perceptions of truth, power, and legitimacy
Web, Internet | caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: FrankPasquale

NEUZZ: Efficient Fuzzing with Neural Program Learning
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

The Tech Industry’s War On Kids
Web, Internet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot

A Fifth Undocumented Cisco Backdoor Has Been Discovered
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Cell Phone Radiation May Affect Memory Performance In Adolescents, Study Finds
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | scuola, educazione
::: Slashdot

The Economist concludes that the EU “is right to find Google guilty” of harming competition, but also concludes that the EU’s remedies–fines plus pleas for Google to clean up its act–“fall short”
::: HalSinger

NetBSD 8.0 Released
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot ::: netbsd

Fascinating article on Google’s control on Android and how difficult it is to develop and manufacture a device using only the open source parts
programming, codice, snippet | open source
::: _wilfredh

Un profilo #fake che spacciava #bufale su #Saviano e #Boldrini è stato costretto da @DavidPuente a sparire
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: Agenzia_Italia

Excellent documentary by @investigate_eu about Microsoft monopoly in public sector institutions (now in English). If you were wondering why #OpenSource isn’t, at is should be, the standard in Public Sector then this will answer some of the questions
open source
::: Vecchi_Paolo

Intriguing essay: “We have arrived at a version [of the internet] where everything seems to be just another version of LinkedIn”
Web, Internet
::: alexismadrigal

Here’s the video for a talk I gave to middle and high school students at @USAScienceFest about programming languages research and privacy
Jean rockz! 👽
programming, codice, snippet
::: jeanqasaur

Google has learned that the cost of waiting is $5 billion
::: emenietti

Media Lab visiting scholar @cam_kerry presents the case for a baseline framework to protect consumer privacy in the US
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: medialab

Comic Book Publishers, Faced With Flagging Sales, Look To Streaming
::: Slashdot

Why mobile phones are NOT a health hazard
dispositivi mobili
::: Cath77777

Impatto percepito delle “fake news” sul sistema politico (dati @CeSDeD)
malloppo di 158 pagine, devo ancora leggerlo
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi

It appears Apple may be unable to recover data from failed 2018 MacBook Pros
::: Gianlucadfiore

Beijing and Brussels are effectively writing the rules that may determine the future of the internet. And China’s vision is spreading across the developing world
Web, Internet
::: fabiochiusi

“Rather than innovating on language features, Noop attempts to innovate on the developer’s experience.” However, Noop is no more
linguaggi di programmazione
::: wallingf

Efficiently generating a number in a range
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

#otd in 1985 Commodore released the Amiga 1000, arguably the first affordable multitasking PC

ReactOS, the open source Windows clone, has a new release
sistemi operativi
::: dcavedon

Uganda’s social media tax to remain despite protests
::: thenetmonitor

attenzione massima, stanno minacciando fisicamente David Puente
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: jacopo_iacoboni

5 Reasons You Should Switch From Windows To Linux Right Now
sistemi operativi
::: cialunet

Academics Publish New Software-Level Protections Against Spectre and Rowhammer Attacks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot

Desktop team report from GUADEC 2018
open source
::: cialunet

Visualizing the Best and Worst Paid Jobs in the Tech Sector
::: Slashdot

only seven of the top ten Javascript errors are literally TypeError so SUCK IT type nerds
linguaggi di programmazione
::: tpolecat

None of Google’s 85,000 Employees Have Been Phished in More Than a Year After Company Required Them to Use Physical Security Keys For 2FA
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

A physical model for efficient ranking in networks
programming, codice, snippet
::: DanLarremore

Snap! The new Minecraft launcher now has another easy way to be installed on #Linux
::: cialunet

Last week I wondered aloud when a Spectre-ish attack on something other than branch prediction would arrive. Sooner than I expected, it seems
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: laurencetratt

Twitter ha rimosso il 13 luglio milioni di follower sospetti. Questi sono quelli persi da alcuni politici italiani
Twitter | caos informativo, fake news, bufale | web-bot
::: bknsty

rLandsat — our #R package for downloading #Landsat 8 data is now open for you to power your interesting projects with
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Social_Cops

It’s finally happening – after >30 years of pro use, 20 of which quite reluctantly, I am officially DONE with C/C++
linguaggi di programmazione
::: AndreaPessino

Researchers Detail New CPU Side-Channel Attack Named SpectreRSB
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Russian Hackers Reach US Utility Control Rooms, Homeland Security Officials Say
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

WhatsApp Balks at India’s Demand To Break Encryption
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Crucial lessons in building trust from a former FBI agent
Web, Internet
::: cialunet

Textricator: Data extraction made simple
applicazioni, programmi
::: cialunet

Why moving all your workloads to the cloud is a bad idea
Web, Internet
::: cialunet

Building a network attached storage device with a Raspberry Pi
::: cialunet

Un progetto che permette di confrontare lo stato dei media in diversi paesi, Italia compresa
::: formicablu

In che percentuale gli account con 🇮🇹 nel nickname interagiscono con i politici? E in che percentuale quelli con 🇪🇺, 🏳️‍🌈 o 🌈 ?
::: evaristegal0is

Learn how to build your own Twitter bot with Python
kwasy-kwasy, avendo tempo 😋
Python | Twitter
::: cialunet

There are 3 new vulnerabilities in @intel ‘s #ManagementEngine (CVE-2018-3628, CVE-2018-3629, CVE-2018-3632). IMHO @intel ME #vulnerabilities are not as widely discussed as #Spectre / #Meltdown, why? Why is it OK for @intel to ship an entire OS on every single #CPU? #ITSecurity
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: JPKleinhans

MacBook con USB-C, morta-C-tua 🔪
::: dottorblaster

A Short Guide to the History of ‘Fake News’ and Disinformation
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi

Brian Kernighan Remembers the Origins of ‘grep’
::: b3h3m0th

Qualcomm Unveils First mmWave 5G Antennas For Smartphones
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Le foto del nuovo Apple Store di Milano
::: emenietti

EU Slaps $130 Million Fine on Four Electronics Firms For Fixing Online Prices
::: Slashdot

Graphical Abstinence, Living the Terminal Life
tools, componenti software
::: cialunet

With @ublockorigin and @AdGuard joining @AdblockPlus and @getadblock in creating new ad blocking capabilities, it can be hard to keep track of who supports what. That’s why I started collecting this data on GitHub and publishing it on my site
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ThomasGreiner

A Bridge too Far: E.W. Dijkstra and Logic
storia | protagonisti
::: CompSciFact

How to Become a Programmer Without a Degree?
programming, codice, snippet
::: thecrazyprogrmr

If you wanted to build a machine that would distribute propaganda to millions
::: FrankPasquale

MonoSAT: SMT solver with support for graph predicates: reachability, shortest paths, maximum s-t flow, minimum spanning tree, and acyclicity constraints
programming, codice, snippet
::: _romac

A little gem in the release notes for the recent NumPy 1.15 release
::: jakevdp

Portable Cloud Programming with Go Cloud
linguaggi di programmazione
::: The Go Programming Language

A few resources to learn more about Altair & Vega-Lite
::: jakevdp

Facebook opens subsidiary in China after being locked out of the country for years
::: TonyRomm

Facebook’s outgoing security chief: ‘We need to intentionally not collect data where possible’
::: CNBC ::: hannahkuchler

Trying a new automated release notes thing in SymPy
::: asmeurer

Bluetooth Security Flaw Could Let Nearby Attacker Grab Your Private Data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Pointers Are Complicated, or: What’s in a Byte?
programming, codice, snippet
::: jedisct1

This is a removable disk add-on for the Univac 1004/1005 computers, from 1962
::: Rainmaker1973

Build an interactive CLI with Node.js
provato a crearla; tanti errori, lasiata ai JavaScripters
linguaggi di programmazione
::: cialunet

1970: Making calculations outdoors during the heat wave
::: CERN

mypy — optional static typing
::: Python Adventures

Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube are fundamentally hostile technology designed to take something from you. You need to approach them in the same frame of mind as if you sat down at a slot machine
social media
::: mikeydickerson

It is more complicated than I thought: -mtune, -march in GCC
Web, Internet
::: lemire

The #centralization of the #internet is creating the single point of failure that the original decentralized architecture sought to avoid. This should be the key concern of policymakers
Web, Internet
::: juanof9

How to Enable/Disable Snap App Permissions on Ubuntu
::: dcavedon

Toronto Created More Tech Jobs Than San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle, and Washington Combined Last Year
uh! l’amico (o figlio di ___) LP è lì; se mi legge: “ciao!”
::: Slashdot

The secret call to Andy Grove that may have helped Steve Jobs change the world
::: gknauth

Google Launches Its Own Physical Security Key
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The people who are most affected by Facebook’s policies, are pushed to write open letters to Mark Zuckerberg because nothing else works. First activists from Myanmar, Sri Lanka and others, and now, Sandy Hook parents
::: hannakozlowska

About Half of Google’s Workers Are Contractors Who Don’t Receive the Same Benefits as Direct Employees
Google | economia
::: Slashdot

Manuale di trucchi e suggerimenti per LibreOffice
open source | manuali, how to
::: TuxmAL

Some sad news to announce: after 8 amazing years, the Guardian science blog network will be closing down at the end of August
social media
::: PeteEtchells

Putin’s Soccer Ball for Trump Had Transmitter Chip, Logo Indicates
timeo danaos
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

the story of @nicolaiarocci is a good example for the #OpenSource community
::: niklas_heer

Even if the shadow banning is more of a bug than a feature, the demotion of these prominent Republicans could be a political liability for the social media company
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: CraigSilverman

Facebook Shares Drop On Revenue Miss
Facebook | economia
::: Slashdot ::: zerohedge ::: tim_walters ::: falameufilho ::: emenietti ::: amalist ::: fabiochiusi ::: sivavaid ::: fabiochiusi ::: emenietti ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: asymco

05 December, 1995: AP writes on Microsoft, Netscape, Java, and the forthcoming “JavaScript” e tante altre old-news
::: jonathansampson ::: johnregehr ::: jonathansampson ::: jonathansampson ::: jonathansampson ::: jonathansampson

Apple’s T2 Chip May Be Causing Issues In iMac Pro, 2018 MacBook Pros
::: Slashdot

Chrome Extensions, Android and iOS Apps Caught Collecting Browsing Data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

ps + top et al.
❤️ julia ❤️
tools, componenti software
::: b0rk ::: b0rk ::: b0rk ::: b0rk ::: b0rk ::: b0rk

just reread @brendangregg’s blog post on what linux load averages mean and it’s SO GOOD
::: b0rk

Introducing Projects – an extension of our Dashboard’s capabilities to keep you organized as your infrastructure needs grow
Web, Internet
::: digitalocean

This is why I use an RFID blocking wallet
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: MikeTolmie

Some of Intel’s Effort to Repair Spectre in Future CPUs
::: Gianlucadfiore

4 cool apps for your terminal
c’è lolcat
applicazioni, programmi
::: cialunet

Classic Corriere
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: anonimoconiglio

Big Tech Warns of ‘Japan’s Millennium Bug’ Ahead of Akihito’s Abdication
::: Slashdot

Je n’imaginais pas que le langage informatique Python connaîtrait un tel succès
::: marcoscan

JetBrains PyCharm 2018.2 is now available: pipenv support, fixtures and BDD for pytest, better looking quick documentation, and more!
programming, codice, snippet
::: pycharm

Bringing Electron applications to millions of Linux users
tools, componenti software
::: cialunet

GOOG and FB are to invasion of privacy what Saudi Arabia is to oil. They can’t, and won’t diversify, have no other meaningful sources of revenue, and will go down as the world moves to a cleaner future
::: lachances

Work smarter, not harder
programming, codice, snippet
::: Medium

People wonder why their non-Chrome browser is “slow.” One of the most popular websites on the Internet is explicitly using Chrome-specific code that makes it slow everywhere else. I wonder how prevalent this is? 😒
Web, Internet
::: CassidyJames

Algorithms as Intangible Cultural Heritage
storia | algoritmi, codice
::: Popinga1

Microsoft Says Price Increases Coming For Office 2019 and Windows 10 Enterprise Users
::: Slashdot

Safe Dynamic Memory Management in Ada and SPARK
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Lambda the Ultimate

Microsoft Discovers Supply Chain Attack at Unnamed Maker of PDF Software
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

In July 1985, the much-loved Amiga was unveiled in New York City when Andy Warhol demo’d its paint software. In honor of the anniversary, check out our 2001 article on why the Amiga remains the unkillable machine
::: IEEESpectrum

Police Are Seeking More Digital Evidence From Tech Companies
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Vertical integration is efficient!
::: Econ_Marshall

The company also reported a second-quarter profit of $2.5 billion, its largest ever
ditte | economia
::: fabiochiusi

Spectre? Psst. Who cares. You need local code execution
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TheRegister

This is an Arduino Project that tries to keep a Ping Pong Ball bouncing with 4 microphones
::: Rainmaker1973

Termgraph: a python command-line tool which draws basic graphs in the terminal
::: marcoscan

73 yrs ago this month, MIT’s Vannevar Bush envisioned a “memex” that stored all the world’s knowledge

The Trump Administration is Talking To Facebook and Google About Potential Rules For Online Privacy
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

What’s Next for Google
::: redmonk

Twitter plunges 20.5 percent after reporting decline in monthly users, second-biggest loss since going public in 2013
Twitter | economia
::: AP ::: MikeIsaac

If this is not Twitter censorship then I don’t know what is…
Twitter | censura
::: Malinka1102 ::: kragen

Science and Technology links (July 27th, 2018)
::: lemire

Australians Say No Thanks to Electronic Health Records
Web, Internet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum

Microsoft employees questioned the company’s chief executive, Satya Nadella, on Thursday, presenting him with a petition signed by more than 300,000 people that called on the software maker to cancel its contract with ICE
ditte | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Links rot, domains expire, and even whole gTLDs can die!
Web, Internet
::: _wilfredh

Curbing free speech: ‘In April, Tanzania announced plans to charge citizens about $920 to start a blog – the equivalent of the US asking Americans to pay nearly $60,000’
::: markjansen10

Awesome #Python Weekly #114 is out
::: PythonLibHunt

German State Plans To Migrate 13,000 Workstations From Linux to Windows
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

What are decorators? And how do you create and use them?
chissà se con questa guida riuscirò ad assimilarli e accettarli
::: realpython

Maxima – 5 – debug e help – 1

Continuo da qui, copio dal Reference Manual, PDF scaricabile da qui, sono a p.25

Uh! il debug 👿 Chissà, se dovesse servire lo affronterò sul serio (vedi qui) perché:

(%i1) run_testsuite(tests=["rtest13s", ["rtest14", 57, 63]]);

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 Condition in MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL [or a callee]:
 File error on #p"/usr/share/maxima/5.41.0/tests/testsuite.lisp": 
 File does not exist.

Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
(%i2) build_info();
Maxima version: "5.41.0"
Maxima build date: "2018-04-09 18:33:03"
Host type: "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
Lisp implementation type: "GNU Common Lisp (GCL)"
Lisp implementation version: "GCL 2.6.12"

O forse dovrei scoprire come usare il Lisp, forse prossimamente…

Per intanto passo a Help, p.29 (del PDF, corrisponde a 11 del libro).

The Maxima on-line user’s manual can be viewed in different forms.

1. all’interno di Maxima con il comando ?

(%i4) ? %pi

 -- Constant: %pi

     '%pi' represents the ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its
     diameter.  The numeric value of '%pi' is the double-precision
     floating-point value 3.141592653589793d0.

  There are also some inexact matches for `%pi'.
  Try `?? %pi' to see them.

(%o4)                                true

? è una shortcut di describe()

(%i6) describe(%e);

 -- Constant: %e

     '%e' represents the base of the natural logarithm, also known as
     Euler's number.  The numeric value of '%e' is the double-precision
     floating-point value 2.718281828459045d0.

  There are also some inexact matches for `%e'.
  Try `?? %e' to see them.

(%o6)                                true

2. info, nel terminale. info maxima visualizza il manuale che sto utilizzando, in formato testo. info è un tool di Linux usabile per tutti (suppongo, da verificare) i comandi. Comodo.

3. nel Web, la pagina Maxima Documentation disponibile in varie lingue tra cui l’italiano.

example visualizza esempi per i comandi Maxima, esempio:

(%i9) example (integrate);

(%i10) test(f):=block([u],u:integrate(f,x),ratsimp(f-diff(u,x)))
(%o10) test(f) := block([u], u : integrate(f, x), ratsimp(f - diff(u, x)))
(%i11) test(sin(x))
(%o11)                                 0
(%i12) test(1/(1+x))
(%o12)                                 0
(%i13) test(1/(1+x^2))
(%o13)                                 0
(%i14) integrate(sin(x)^3,x)
                               cos (x)
(%o14)                         ------- - cos(x)

questo è solo l’inizio, sull’integrazione Maxima è come il prof, se parte poi è difficile fermarlo 😯

Pausa? OK ⭕

AI, innovazioni e blockchain – 32

Già detto che fa caldo? Troppo! Ma untanto ecco la rassegna che il Web aspetta 😁

Killer Robots Would Be ‘Dangerously Destabilizing’ Force in the World, Tech Leaders Warn
::: Slashdot

Augmented Reality Makes Robots Better Co-Workers
augmented reality | robots
::: IEEESpectrum

China to buy 60% of world’s electric vehicles in 2035
innovazioni, futuro
::: NAR

Two US Hyperloop Startups Line Up Financing From China
innovazioni, futuro | economia
::: Slashdot

This is a simple virtual creature learning to jump over a ball using genetic algorithms
artificial intelligence
::: Rainmaker1973

How stanford researchers developed a type of soft, growing robot that could serve a wide range of purposes
::: Rainmaker1973

Hashflare, One of the Largest Cloud Bitcoin Mining Companies, Abruptly Disables SHA-256 Mining Contracts, Leaving Customers Furious
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Just had a fun &long discussion with my students on the past, present &future of #AI based on reading these essays of @rodneyabrooks Take home message? AI is still a very nascent science that needs a lot more work, esp. inspiration from cognitive science
artificial intelligence
::: drfeifei

Waymo’s Autonomous Vehicles Are Driving 25,000 Miles Every Day
::: Slashdot

New Wearable Sensor Detects Stress Hormone In Sweat
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Excellent @wef report on autonomous vehicles, demonstrating in local context how policy (eg occupancy-based pricing schemes) might shape outcomes of AI-based tech and be critical to unleash full benefits
::: ugasser

Facebook Confirms It’s Working on a New Internet Satellite
innovazioni, futuro
::: emenietti

The Ethereum blockchain just hit 6,000,000 blocks
blockchain e crypto*
::: localethereum

Quand l’Europe s’éveillera, par Evgeny Morozov
innovazioni, futuro
::: mdiplo

I see programming as a new way for children to organize, express, and share their ideas — just as they do with writing
scuola, educazione
::: medialab

Get the full recap from our June 20 #CHMLive panel, featuring leading venture capitalists Carmen Chang and Hans Tung on Chinese history and culture, cross-country deals, big companies, and current trends
innovazioni, futuro | economia
::: ComputerHistory

‘The Cashless Society is a Con — and Big Finance is Behind It’
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Boston Dynamics Is Gearing Up To Produce Thousands of Robot Dogs
::: Slashdot

IoT Security Flaw Leaves 496 Million Devices Vulnerable At Businesses, Report Says
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

A new digital divide: Young people who can’t use keyboards
se vero sono rimasto mooolto indietro, preferisco il terminale
innovazioni, futuro
::: Gianlucadfiore

We need mechanisms of transparency, auditing, and accountability for algorithmic decision making. Read our primer on algorithmic accountability
algoritmi, codice
::: datasociety

Mobile Photography Set For Major Quality Bump With Sony’s 48-Megapixel Sensor
innovazioni, futuro | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

At last week’s #AIFutureSummit, strategies for minimizing biases in AI, including industry standards, a code of conduct, greater diversity among those developing AI, were discussed
artificial intelligence
::: ai4allorg

Microsoft Launches Open-Source Quantum Katas Project On GitHub To Teach Q# Programming
quantum computing
::: Slashdot

It’s dirty, it’s dull, it’s enormous, and it’s probably one of the most productive robots on the planet
::: IEEESpectrum

Researchers at the University of Michigan have created the world’s smallest computer with a device that measures just 0.3 mm to a side
innovazioni, futuro
::: Rainmaker1973

We are excited to announce new AI products AutoML Natural Language, AutoML Translate and Contact Center AI to empower industries. It’s one year’s hard work with our team @googlecloud #GoogleNext18
non ho idea di cosa sia ma prof 💥 Fei-Fei rockz 👽 e tutto il team too 💥
artificial intelligence | machine learning
::: drfeifei

Google is Building ‘Virtual Agents’ To Handle Call Centers’ Grunt Work
non so se correlato al link precedente
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

And so it came to be that Forbes recognized that their op-ed on replacing libraries with Amazon bookstores was stupid, and deleted it #books #libraries
innovazioni, futuro
::: ptak ::: Slashdot

Ford Plans To Spend $4 Billion On Autonomous Vehicles By 2023
::: Slashdot

You can’t think about a great future for urban kids without thinking about work, can’t think about work without thinking about artificial intelligence, machine learning
artificial intelligence | machine learning
::: ai4allorg

The second micromobility revolution
innovazioni, futuro
::: asymco

US Department of Defense plans to spend $1.7 billion over the next five years to stand up a new Joint Artificial Intelligence Center
artificial intelligence
::: marcelsalathe

Nikon Announces Development of Full Frame Mirrorless Camera
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Google Cars Self-Drive To Walmart Supermarket in Trial
::: Slashdot

Sul tema dei dati la guerra tra Stati Uniti ed Europa è appena iniziata, ma temo sia una guerra tutta commerciale e di potere, piuttosto che una guerra a difesa dei diritti fondamentali.” Le riflessioni di @CBlengio
dati, raccolta
::: nexacenter

Happy birthday to the late AI pioneer Ray Solomonoff. He founded algorithmic information theory, which was once described as “putting Turing’s computability and Shannon’s information theory into a cocktail shaker and shaking vigorously”
storia | artificial intelligence

What’s New in Deep Learning Research: Reinforcement Learning with Infinite Agents Using Mean Field…
machine learning
::: Project_Malmo

In his @TEDTalks, Pratik Shah explains an unorthodox approach to training #AI that makes it possible to diagnose disease more efficiently and cost-effectively, using simple cell phone images
artificial intelligence
::: medialab

DARPA handed out a lot of $ this week through its Electronic Resurgence Initiative, a program that aims to usher in a 24-hour design cycle for defense-related hardware systems
::: IEEESpectrum ::: IEEESpectrum ::: IEEESpectrum

IBM Watson Reportedly Recommended Cancer Treatments That Were ‘Unsafe and Incorrect’
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

New thin-film electronic circuits could make it easier to add Internet connectivity to devices of any size or shape
Internet of things | Web, Internet
::: IEEESpectrum

“It’s not hypothetical,” says Jacob Snow, who organized the test for the ACLU of Northern California. “This is a situation where Rekognition is already being used”
Amazon’s facial recognition matched 28 members of Congress to criminal mugshots
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi ::: drewharwell

Maxima – 4 – wxMaxima

Continuo da qui.

Finora ho trascurato wxMaxima, io sono vecchio, abituato a come si faceva una volta. Anzi non esattamente –ma discorso lungo, ve lo risparmio. Ma c’è wxMaxima, la wiki dice che:

Various graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are available for Maxima

l’elenco inzia con:

wxMaxima is a graphical front-end using wxWidgets.

Da provare, con le prove dei post precedenti. Lo lancio con l’alias nel primo post della serie, detesto le icone sulla barra –come si chiama, quella a sinistra. So presenta così:

Il modo più veloce per partire è seguire uno tutorial raggiungibili dal menu Aiuto/Tutorial; ho scaricato la versione italiana e c’è tutto. Quasi, dovrei trovare gli equivalenti di ? e ?? ma non ora (anzi mai). Procedo…

, funziona; devo ricordarmi che per eseguire c’è il pulsante freccia-giù-rossa o –molto meglio– Maiusc-Invio (sono vecchio).

Ah! scopro che c’è Modifica/Salva come immagine, l’ho appena usata. Altre opzioni di salvataggio, la più semplice, testo:

(%i3)	integrate (1/(1 + x^3), x);
(%o3)	-log(x^2-x+1)/6+atan((2*x-1)/sqrt(3))/sqrt(3)+log(x+1)/3

non esattamente come pensavo, ma c’è RTF e LaTeX se dovesse servire.

Beh, certo viene meglio che il solo testo del terminale. E OK anche per i grafici:

Quindi… io che sono vecchio continuerò di solito con il terminale ma per l’output bello so che c’è, pronto e completamente compatibile, anzi lo stesso cambia solo  il vestito  l’interfaccia.

Una cosa ancora: si può –ovviamente– salvare per sessioni successive. Ottimo.

cit. & loll – 106

Ecco che arriva la rassegna più cit.osa e lollosa del wasto Web.

Presenting my findings with infographics
::: newscientist

a function is sort of a container for bugs
::: johnregehr

One bad programmer can easily
::: RichRogersIoT

In the old world, you devoted 30% of your time to building a great service and 70% of your time to shouting about it
::: RichRogersIoT

il nuovo #macbook è un ottimo prodotto da lasciare sullo scaffale
::: Genjuro75

As a journal #editor, I see many papers that our readers never do. Papers that
::: Research_Voice , threatened by Wayland, decided to expand its market
::: barisione

Research shows that if instructions for a task are presented in an easy-to-read font, we assume the task will be easier and take less time to complete, and so we’re more willing to do it
::: qikipedia

Yesterday, I lost several hours to the following typo
::: StabbyCutyou

camera crazy
::: Abstruse Goose

All functions return void
lol, spero
::: crabmusket

Give an AI a fish, and it can identify that fish forever
::: irinimalliaraki

Talent wins games
::: RichRogersIoT

::: FakeNews_Bufale

An Arduino and six servo-motors control this badass auto-balancing plate
::: Rainmaker1973

Every great developer you know got there by solving problems
::: RichRogersIoT

At a job interview I filled my glass of water until it overflowed a little
::: DadsPuns

There are two hard problems in computing
::: liamosaur

::: njwilson

It is a miracle that curiosity
::: RichRogersIoT

I find making languages to be the same as normal programming
::: alamajesse

Samsung’s mobile business contributes 22% of operating profit
::: asymco

Work struggles as an introvert
::: jessbowbes

Current situation
::: mariofusco

believe it or not, this is the BuckleScript output of some imperative code (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) I wrote in Reason
::: bloodyowl

We all have limited resources every day. We are like batteries
::: thek3nger

Simple flowchart
::: vgcerf

The first photo of an invasion of a planet now inhabited solely by robots, 42 years ago
::: Rainmaker1973

Can you imagine how awkward it would be if your pet went on your phone and found the 1000s of pictures you have of them sleeping
::: laurajaylovette

haha obviously they trained up the NN on _Annihilation_
::: johnregehr

::: jusrin00

gonna recant a long-held standard programmer belief here
::: chris__martin

We felt that if something took more than 20 minutes, we should just roll back and start over
::: wallingf

Before the desktop PC revolution
::: JohnDCook

Not sure where this is from, but it’s too good not to share
::: yelvington

When I tell people I did a linguistics BA followed by a computer science MSc, they often say “wow, quite a change of track!”
::: type__error

The machines are learning
::: Whoospy

Consequence of Moore’s law
::: UnitFact

Hello five years from now
::: soren_larson

One year ago, it felt like self-driving cars were the definite future
::: david_perell

having a calculus priority dispute, brb
::: FreelanceAstro

in Italia questa app avrebbe un successone
::: terminologia

You have got to be fucking kidding me
::: bitcoin_bolsa

Non Sequitur
::: GoComics

Cedrata Tassoni
::: alfiobalestrini

chickens migrating to #debian
::: ethadrien

Deleted code
::: CodeWisdom

By my rough estimate, I’ve published nearly ten thousand articles
::: makoshark

Golden rule
::: worrydream

Emperor Sh and the Traveller
::: wallingf

The biggest joke on mankind
::: mainbhiengineer

What I cannot build
::: CodeWisdom

Non parlatemi di intelligenza artificiale fin quando
::: valeriodeste

With a little arithmetic, though, it makes sense!
questi sono i post che preferisco 😁
::: wallingf

Everything not invented by God
::: RichRogersIoT

In Theory: A Short Abstract
::: improbresearch

Opportunity lies in the place
::: RichRogersIoT

I guess #Debian is the standard in this town
::: gawel_

It’s too hot to debug shitty code
::: TheMichaelBurge

Unsurprising to see many comments here misgender Prof Et Al
::: DingemanseMark

There are 2 types of blockchain companies
::: Alexintosh

We all reinvent wheels
::: lizardbill

Maxima – 3 – inizio – 3

Continuo da qui, copio dal Reference Manual, PDF scaricabile da qui, sono a p.21.

Maxima can generate plots of one or more functions:

(%i1) plot2d (sin(x)/x, [x, -20, 20])$
plot2d: expression evaluates to non-numeric value somewhere in plotting range.

Uh! Gnuplot, una vecchia conoscenza 😁

(%i3) plot2d ([atan(x), erf(x), tanh(x)], [x, -5, 5], [y, -1.5, 2])$

(%i4) plot3d (sin(sqrt(x^2 + y^2))/sqrt(x^2 + y^2), [x, -12, 12], [y, -12, 12])$

e, ovviamente, si può interagire con il plot 😁

OK, pausa ⭕

Maxima – 2 – inizio – 2

Continuo da qui, copio dal Reference Manual, PDF scaricabile da qui, sono a p.20.

Maxima fa un mukkio di cose sexy:

To use a result in later calculations, you can assign it to a variable or refer to it by its automatically supplied label. In addition, % refers to the most recent calculated result:

(%i1) u: expand ((x + y)^6);
           6        5       2  4       3  3       4  2      5      6
(%o1)     y  + 6 x y  + 15 x  y  + 20 x  y  + 15 x  y  + 6 x  y + x
(%i2) diff (u, x);
                5         4       2  3       3  2       4        5
(%o2)        6 y  + 30 x y  + 60 x  y  + 60 x  y  + 30 x  y + 6 x
(%i3) factor (%o2);
(%o3)                             6 (y + x)

Conosce i numeri complessi e costanti numeriche:

(%i1) cos(%pi);
(%o1)                                 - 1
(%i2) exp(%i*%pi);
(%o2)                                 - 1
(%i3) exp(%pi);
(%o3)                                %e
(%i4) exp(-1);
                                       - 1
(%o4)                                %e

devo ancora scoprire come visualizzare i valori numerici di pi, e e risultati di espressioni, prossimamente…

Maxima gestisce derivate e integrali:

(%i1) u: expand ((x + y)^6);
           6        5       2  4       3  3       4  2      5      6
(%o1)     y  + 6 x y  + 15 x  y  + 20 x  y  + 15 x  y  + 6 x  y + x
(%i2) diff (%, x);
                5         4       2  3       3  2       4        5
(%o2)        6 y  + 30 x y  + 60 x  y  + 60 x  y  + 30 x  y + 6 x
(%i3) integrate (1/(1 + x^3), x);
                                          2 x - 1
                       2             atan(-------)
                  log(x  - x + 1)         sqrt(3)    log(x + 1)
(%o3)          (- ---------------) + ------------- + ----------
                         6              sqrt(3)          3

Nota per me che a volte…: è possibile usare i risultati delle risposte %o; % è l’ultimo:

(%i1) 1 + 2;
(%o1)                                  3
(%i2) %o1 * 4;
(%o2)                                 12
(%i3) % - 5;
(%o3)                                  7
(%i4) %
(%o4)                                  7

devo ricordarmi del ;.

Maxima can solve linear systems and cubic equations:

(%i1) linsolve ([3*x + 4*y = 7, 2*x + a*y = 13], [x, y]);
                               7 a - 52        25
(%o1)                     [x = --------, y = -------]
                               3 a - 8       3 a - 8
(%i2) solve (x^3 - 3*x^2 + 5*x = 15, x);
(%o2)              [x = - sqrt(5) %i, x = sqrt(5) %i, x = 3]

Maxima can solve nonlinear sets of equations. Note that if you don’t want a result printed, you can finish your command with $ instead of ;.

(%i1) eq_1: x^2 + 3*x*y + y^2 = 0$

(%i2) eq_2: 3*x + y = 1$

(%i3) solve ([eq_1, eq_2]);
              3 sqrt(5) + 7      sqrt(5) + 3
(%o3) [[y = - -------------, x = -----------],
                    2                 2
                                             3 sqrt(5) - 7        sqrt(5) - 3
                                        [y = -------------, x = - -----------]]
                                                   2                   2

E mica finisce qui! però adesso pausa.