Visto nel Web – 350

Periodo di vacanze e/o ferie e simili,  Twitter  tehtoobz è diverso, ecci cosa wisto nel Web.

5 years ago #Today, the world’s last telegram was sent in India, final major country to shut down their large-scale service after 169 years since the invention of Morse’s telegraphy
::: Rainmaker1973

Elon Musk revealed as one of the largest donors for a House Republican PAC
::: Salon

new article discusses how @libreoffice is an excellent tool for digitally preserving old graphics documents. The amount and types of formats it can open makes it a better tool for preservation than #microsoftoffice https://oscollege
open source | storia
::: oscollege ::: italovignoli

Anti-Amazon Graffiti Increasing In Seattle
::: Slashdot

Google Maps API Becomes ‘More Difficult and Expensive’
Web, Internet | economia
::: Slashdot

cat & friends
tip, suggerimenti
::: b0rk

I’ve added a neat little feature to deadgrep: when you navigate to a line, the matched part of the line is highlighted
applicazioni, programmi
::: _wilfredh

PerfFuzz: Automatically Generating Pathological Inputs
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

I’m experimenting with a retweet-less twitter experience
::: EricaJoy

Chrome is Using 10-13% More RAM to Fight Spectre
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The Rise of Adblock Shaming
ad, pubblicità
::: Gianlucadfiore

Just blogged, ‘Scala Wars: FP-OOP vs FP’ in response to a Reddit question: ‘Can someone explain to be the benefits of IO?’
programmazione funzionale
::: jdegoes

Tech giants ban users at their discretion & refuse to give explanation. Users can’t object and are banned for life. This is why companies cannot take the role of the state, building AND regulating the online dimension, and our virtual identities
Web, Internet
::: SilviaPetulante

Sbaglio o @Twitter doveva creare una funzione “segnalibro” per i tweet?
la funzione “ero arrivato qui” sarebbe bellissima (utilissima); anche la possibilità di correggere gli errori di stumpa; Jack che ne dici?
::: Flavio_MfM

The fake screenshot I posted yesterday, which took 3 mins to create in PS, has created a media uproar involving NPR, The Federalist, & others. Journalists don’t fact-check, and publications don’t vet sources. You will fall for my next one too. Dumbasses
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: drewtoothpaste

A proposito dei cellulari in Africa sub-sahariana: sono essenziali anche come “borsellino elettronico”
dispositivi mobili
::: cmnit

#Siae sotto accusa per abuso di posizione dominante davanti all’autorità #Antitrust. Sono diventati numerosi i concorrenti della società il cui “monopolio naturale” dopo la direttiva #Barnier della #Ue viene messo in discussione
copyright e brevetti
::: lavoceinfo

How the Blog Broke the Web
::: wallingf

EFF To Japan: Reject Website Blocking
::: Slashdot

Pushing the Limits of Compiler Verification @gardonofhedon’s PhD thesis
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

Is technological change like biological evolution? One of the best fossil records is provided by Information Technology. Software networks include a whole hierarchy of complexity levels. Often, engineers act like tinkerers, as evolution does
linguaggi di programmazione
::: ricard_sole

Increasingly Agitated Elon Musk Labels Diver Who Mocked His ‘Submarine’ a ‘Pedo Guy’
::: RadioProzac ::: cmnit ::: stickycomics ::: KetanJ0

Why use OpenStreetMap instead of Google Maps?
open source
::: marcoscan

Science and Technology links (July 15th, 2018)
::: lemire

Want to Make Linux Mint Look Like a Mac? This Theme Can Help
::: cialunet

After Snowden sounded the alarm, technology companies rolled out innovations that tightened security for everyone, making many of our digital communications more private
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ACLU

Confessions of a recovering Perl hacker
::: cialunet

Get our Linux networking cheat sheet
Web, Internet
::: cialunet

Amazon strategy: “The ultimate outcome of this process would be the formation of a general cartel. The [economy] would then be consciously regulated by a single body which would determine the volume of production in all branches of industry”
ditte | economia
::: FrankPasquale

Over 80% of recent graduates in the EU were employed in 2017
scuola, educazione
::: EU_Social

Is BDFL a death sentence?
::: cialunet

Loved @lexi_lambda’s talk on Hackett at #curryon Best of all worlds coming soon maybe 😀
language Racket
::: thattommyhall

Egypt’s new cybercrime law requires ISPs to track user data and allows the state to shut down websites that ‘threaten national security’
::: thenetmonitor

Openbook: privacy pioneers plan ‘zero tracking’ rival to Facebook. Kickstarter launching tomorrow
social media
::: hannahkuchler

Troubling Trends in Machine Learning Scholarship with only the tiniest bit of imagination, one can apply these criticisms to most of academic computer science, especially “failure to identify the sources of empirical gains”
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

Big-O notation considered harmful
mistero qui
::: lemire

Study Suggests Buried Internet Infrastructure at Risk as Sea Levels Rise
::: Slashdot ::: philipdisalvo

Has it really been 25 years since the #Slackware 1.00 release? Wow
storia | Linux
::: volkerdi ::: cialunet

mentre Trump si consegna a Putin, dicendo di credere a lui e non a Robert Mueller, il ministro dell’interno italiano annuncia da Mosca che coopererà nella cybersecurity e contro gli attacchi informatici con Mosca, e si scambierà banche dati con i russi Siamo in estremo pericolo
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jacopo_iacoboni ::: kevinmitnick

Jeff Bezos Becomes the Richest Man In Modern History, Topping $150 Billion
::: Slashdot

Programming sucks. If you aren’t a programmer and wonder why they look so tired or actually devasted at the end of a working day, you have to read this. If you are a programmer, after having read this your life will seem even more miserable. I warned you
programming, codice, snippet
::: mariofusco

We’ve pushed a massive update to the list of Editor’s Picks in the Snap Store. There’s also a bumper update across games, finance, productivity, utilities and more. Open #Ubuntu Software & find something new today!
ecco perché l’errore di ieri 😡 la solita spheega 😡
::: ubuntu

Interpretations of Fold, or Fold as a Recursion Scheme
programmazione funzionale
::: keleshev

Various types of #computer
::: sdallagata

I just backed Openbook, on Kickstarter
social media
::: mikko

Netflix’s Subscriber Growth Stalls
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot ::: formicablu

Dato molto interessante dalla ricerca YouTrend/Cattaneo Zanetto sulla percezione della questione “fake news” ed eventuali rimedi, nella maggioranza e nell’opposizione
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi

AMA with Gianluca Fiore
Web, Internet
::: AMAfeed

Spectre 1.1 e 1.2, altri due attacchi contro le CPU
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lucaferrari15

So disappointed not seeing @racketlang in the research, especially given that there’s evidence that it actually is simpler to pick up
linguaggi di programmazione
::: PaniczGodek

CPUs and sensors use almost no power, radios and displays use lots
::: CompSciFact

Samsung Unveils World’s First 10nm-class 8 Gb LPDDR5 DRAM
::: Slashdot

Cuba Starts Rolling Out Internet on Mobile Phones
::: Slashdot

Top Voting Machine Vendor Admits It Installed Remote-Access Software on Systems Sold to States
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fpietrosanti ::: doctorow

An excellent, state-of-the-art collection of papers on language evolution, viewed from many different perspectives
linguaggi di programmazione | storia
::: MH_Christiansen

Advanced snap usage
Linux | Ubuntu
::: cialunet

House Rep suggests converting Facebook into a public utility
::: TechCrunch

Microsoft Is Making the Windows Command Line a Lot Better
tools, componenti software
::: Slashdot

It’s really remarkable to me how many beginner Python programmers use bare “except:” without realizing how bad it is
::: asmeurer

BuzzFeed partnering with ProPublica in collecting political targeted ads on Facebook. Well done! > Help BuzzFeed News Make Political Advertising More Transparent
ad, pubblicità | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi

A reporter posing as a Dublin Facebook moderator found that pages from far-right groups face looser content standards
Facebook | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Techmeme

he Internet Archives Open library added FULL-TEXT search for over 4M books!
Web, Internet
::: Lees_Sandbox

Baidu Ends Brazil Operations, Will Now Handle the Brazilian User Base From China
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

In China to play a mobile game on your phone you need to provide an ID
dispositivi mobili | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Alexintosh

La pagina dei Sentinelli di Milano è stata rimossa da Facebook
::: isentinelli ::: tanzmax

Basics of futexes
programming, codice, snippet
::: elibendersky

There are thousands of political ads you’ll never see on Facebook — because they’re targeted to someone older than you, only to one gender or maybe to people with different political leanings
Facebook | ad, pubblicità
::: jeremybmerrill ::: fabiochiusi

one of my favorite parts of twitter is sharing pointers to interesting research papers that I’ve found using google scholar search and other methods. but you know what I do when a paper can only be found behind a paywall? I don’t post it
uh! anch’io — da leggere anche l’autorisposta
::: johnregehr

Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook data was accessed from Russia, MP says
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

The SIM Hijackers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

How to check free disk space in Linux
tip, suggerimenti | Linux
::: cialunet

9 Unusual Design Patterns Interview Questions (with Answers)
programming, codice, snippet
::: ThePracticalDev

L’enorme multa dell’Unione Europea contro Google: 4,3 miliardi di euro
Web, Internet | Google
::: emenietti ::: e_pagliarini ::: Slashdot ::: TonyRomm ::: marcelsalathe ::: vestager ::: Slashdot

Even Big Tech is worried about facial recognition
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: connectedrights ::: erichorvitz

Accelerating Conway’s Game of Life with SIMD instructions
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

Filosofia #Ubuntu – Intervista a Nelson #Mandela (tradotta)
Ubuntu | Linux | open source
::: sdallagata

The EU #copyright reform threatens Free and Open Source Software. Sign the open letter and #savecodeshare!
copyright e brevetti
::: jaotwits

#ElementaryOS 5.0 Juno: Anteprima
::: Genjuro75

Apple iCloud Data in China is Being Stored By a State-Run Telco
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The people who give power to Zuckerberg are exactly the same people who give value to the money. Those people are YOU
::: PaniczGodek

seL4, the verified microkernel, jas been ported to RISC-V
open source | hardware | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: _wilfredh

Frequent Smart Phone, Internet Use Linked To Symptoms Of ADHD in Teens
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Zuckerberg: The Recode interview
protagonisti | Facebook
::: emenietti ::: fabiochiusi

Hot take: Single page documentation is superior to documentation that spoon feeds three paragraphs at a time to you with prev/next pagers at the bottom
manuali, how to | Web, Internet
::: jordwalke

Robocall Firm Exposes Hundreds of Thousands of US Voters’ Records
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The connection between #freesoftware, #debian and #opensource
open source
::: OpenSourceOrg

@amasad is amazing. Has been a major part of my tool belt for some time now and have been informing my team members. But the current stuff you guys are doing (I see new things every time I log in it seems), mind blowing!
Web, Internet | linguaggi di programmazione
::: AsimRang

nice list of exploitable UNIX bins for priv esc, etc
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: noptrix

La solidarietà di @CasaLettori ad @Antonio79B È scandaloso che un account culturale venga censurato da Twitter
::: CasaLettori

Note to self: memcpy(p, NULL,0) actually corrupts your memory, sometimes, on some machines
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

Hackers Account For 90 Percent of Login Attempts At Online Retailers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Corning’s New Gorilla Glass 6 Will Let Your Phones Survive 15 Drops
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Leaked Documents Show Facebook’s ‘Threshold’ For Deleting Pages, Groups
::: Slashdot

I’ve been doing lots of work last few weeks on racket-mode. Latest on MELPA has faster/better completion and visit-definition, non-blocking startup, and some other improvements
language Racket
::: greghendershott

The market cap of the top 5 S&P 500 companies
::: michaelbatnick

Let’s be clear; Zuck is talking about technology as a substitute for genuine opportunity, and/or for ‘experience tourism’ — he’s not talking about empathy
::: riptari

I’m totally with Zuckerberg here. If you start removing holocaust denial, then you have to remove creationism too, and no-vax, and any kind of discredited theory/opinion. This has to be tackled, but not with content removal
io sono per rimuoverli; tutti, secondo la scienza ufficiale del momento, non dei preti
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi

Why #Scala?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: adamwarski

On a big story like the Helsinki Trump/Putin summit, Google News’ algorithm isn’t up to the task
::: fabiochiusi

Project ‘Fuchsia’: Google is Quietly Working on a Successor To Android
sistemi operativi | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Fun post on team structure, mental models, shared learning and the transformative impact of software tools
filosofico e teorico, non sicuro di aver capito tutto
programming, codice, snippet
::: _wilfredh

every published research paper should ideally have an accompanying summary blog post
Web, Internet
::: pgbovine

Python has brought computer programming to a vast new audience
And its inventor has just stepped down
::: gvanrossum

The main pillars of programming, and why you should master them
programming, codice, snippet

Interesting short article arguing that software cannot (or should not) iterate on features faster than users can adapt
programming, codice, snippet
::: _wilfredh

“Moving @Java Forward Faster” * #JDK12 early access builds are now available
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Sharat_Chander

Thrilled to read this article by @killyourfm. The experience described is precisely what we’ve been aiming for and I’m delighted to hear that we’re getting it right
sistemi operativi | Linux
::: 8none1

Bolt on lambdas, you get broken lambdas
linguaggi di programmazione | Java
::: Symbo1ics

Google’s Loon Brings Internet-By-Balloon To Kenya
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

We’ve given ourselves the impossible task of building a language-agnostic cloud runtime which forces us to design general systems. It’s hard but when it works, it’s incredibly gratifying!
Web, Internet | linguaggi di programmazione
::: amasad

Chrome OS Isn’t Ready For Tablets Yet
sistemi operativi | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Chinese Hackers Targeted IoT During Trump-Putin Summit
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

In a stunning op-ed, the CEO of facial recognition company Kairos argues that the technology’s bias and capacity for abuse make it too dangerous for govt use. Kairos will refuse to sell its technology to governments
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Matt_Cagle

This is an amazing thread of programmers of all ages and backgrounds talking about how they got into programming. From veterans like @robmuh hacking Atari games to youngins like Camden starting with Codecademy before moving on to @replit
programming, codice, snippet | linguaggi di programmazione
::: amasad

We need more of these python library ports! What are some of your favorite ones missing in the Scala ecosystem?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: adriaanm

Ross Ulbricht (aka Dread Pirate Roberts of Silk Road) has been in jail for 5 years now. He joined Twitter today
::: mikko

A brief history of text-based games and open source
games | storia
::: cialunet

Convert video using Handbrake
applicazioni, programmi
::: cialunet

Solving the ESM in NodeJS Odyssey
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

“The private sector guys know the way they are going to survive and keep their duopolies is to play along with the state.” In the US, replace the word “state” with “Wall Street.”
::: FrankPasquale

Sergio Gridelli

The future of WebAssembly – A look at upcoming features and proposals
Web, Internet | linguaggi di programmazione
::: Gianlucadfiore

Congratulations, Mr. President: Zuckerberg Secretly Called Trump After The Election
::: fabiochiusi

Microsoft, Facebook, Google and Twitter Introduce the Data Transfer Project: An Open Source Initiative for Consumer Data Portability
dati, raccolta
::: emenietti ::: vgcerf ::: zacchiro

Microsoft Brings PowerShell to the Ubuntu Snap Store
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

Options are features, and features are costly
programming, codice, snippet
::: wallingf ::: wallingf

Google’s decision to pump millions into Trump’s inauguration, CPAC, Federalist Society, Heritage, American Conservative Union, etc. appears to be paying off!
::: lutherlowe

At Thursday’s #AspenSecurity Forum, Microsoft disclosed that it identified & helped thwart hacking attempts on 3 congressional candidates earlier this year, marking the 1st publicly known hacking efforts targeting candidates in the 2018 midterm elections
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: RVAwonk

Intanto, così per la cronaca, l’articolo del Sole24ore che per primo ha diffuso la bufala del parmigiano reggiano dopo 3 giorni è ancora online senza una benché minima rettifica
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: mante ::: MauroV1968 ::: carloalberto ::: cmnit

Bruce Perens created the Open Source Initiative & Doc Searls #Linux Journal were all over it from the start. “Open source” took off so rapidly that #O’Reilly started OSCON where today’s #OSCON is the 19th one
open source
::: BlackSwansMedia

Google, Which Owns, Confuses Users Searching For Its Rival DuckDuckGo and Redirects Them Back To Google
::: Slashdot ::: robshilkin

There seems to be a trend towards value-oriented programming languages
linguaggi di programmazione
::: _wilfredh

What’s Going on With the Semiconductor Workforce? The U.S. Government Wants to Know
::: IEEESpectrum

Singapore stops its “Smart Nation” (connected and intelligent “everything”) project following a data breach of 1.5M patients
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lukOlejnik

Facebook Notification Spam Has Crossed the Line
::: Slashdot

TIL Visual Age Java was implemented in Smalltalk
linguaggi di programmazione | storia
::: wallingf

Containers or Virtual Machines: Which is More Secure?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

IMHO one of the most _underpraised_ peculiarities of FP languages is that everything is an expression, everything returns a value, there’s no such a thing as a statement. You have to deal with just one concept and, once you get used to it, it’s a big advantage
programmazione funzionale
::: lambdista

PeerTube, the ‘Decentralized YouTube,’ Succeeds In Crowdfunding
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Another big data co suspended after Cambridge Analytica scandal
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: profcarroll

Challenging Truth & Trust: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation
caos informativo, fake news, bufale | media
::: pnhoward

Zuckerberg ha ragione: non è censurando i negazionisti che si fermano le loro idiozie
caos informativo, fake news, bufale | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi

Facebook investigates data firm Crimson Hexagon
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Lara Pedroni, l’autrice fake dei meme contro Saviano, Boldrini e Kyenge
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: DavidPuente ::: emenietti

Funny, I was just talking with someone about OS/2, which came and went, then I read this, and it brought me right back to the 1980s
sembra interessante; bookmarkato ma non ancora letto
::: gknauth

L’82% degli italiani non sa riconoscere una #fakenews. Chi l’avrebbe mai detto? Il 18%
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: SergioGridelli

Equador Will Be Handing Assange Over To UK Authorities ‘In Coming Weeks Or Days’: RT
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Elixir per idioti /6, sua maestà il pattern matching
linguaggi di programmazione
::: dottorblaster

How your smartphone looks like when in China. At the end of the day having your own openVPN servers is the most reliable option you can get
::: Alexintosh

I have a hobby project. I want to obsolete #Facebook
social media
::: peter_szilagyi

Also the threat of spreading false news has become a major disciplining device. It’s how Trump disciplines potential critics in his party, businesses that are not kowtowing his line, and members of the opposition party
caos informativo, fake news, bufale
::: postdiscipline

Is Python the Future of Programming?
è il presente, per adesso, per certe cose
::: Slashdot

Florida man jailed for failing to unlock his phone
dispositivi mobili
::: Gizmodo

Imaginary problems, the root of bad software
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

Science and Technology links (July 21st, 2018)
::: lemire

Home Theater Personal Computer #HTPC
Web, Internet
::: Genjuro75

Python 3’s f-Strings: An Improved String Formatting Syntax (Guide)
Python | manuali, how to
::: realpython

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