AI, innovazioni e blockchain – 54

Le feste stanno finendo intanto la solita lista 😋


Roomba i7+ Review: The Most Capable, Most Expensive Robot Vacuum
::: IEEESpectrum ::: IEEESpectrum

Robots won’t replace you, the press repeatedly said. Unsaid: robots will just de-professionalize, outsource, or privatize the work. Or, as the AI makers like to say, robots will make us all work harder (and no doubt, with no unions, cheaper)
::: FrankPasquale

This Was the Year the Robot Takeover of Service Jobs Began
::: Slashdot

Can #ArtificialIntelligence be ethical? 🤖 Today 52 #AI experts presented draft ethics guidelines for trustworthy artificial intelligence in #Europe. You can contribute 📝to the document until 18 January
artificial intelligence | etica
::: DSMeu

Amazon’s Grocery Push Keeps Stumbling After Whole Foods Purchase
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

China Launched More Rockets Into Orbit In 2018 Than Any Other Country
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

With only a tiny number of days of the year remaining, we have a late but EXTREMELY strong contender for The Most Stupid Thing A British Politician Has Said in 2018
robots | automazione
::: CharlotteGore

Le dieci personalità che hanno influenzato la scienza nel 2018 secondo @nature
innovazioni, futuro
::: formicablu

In case you are interested: the full report of NASA Technosignatures Workshop is out today on arXiv
innovazioni, futuro
::: amedeo_balbi

Facebook Is Developing a Cryptocurrency for WhatsApp Transfers, Report Says
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot


How Do Universities Prepare Graduates For Jobs That Don’t Yet Exist?
scuola, educazione
::: Slashdot

Our latest paper surveys the field of open source quantum software engineering. It was terrific to work with two big believers in free and open software – thanks @TomasBabej and @peterwittek for all the effort!
quantum computing
::: mark_fingerhuth

An Amoeba-Based Computer Found Solutions To 8-City Traveling Salesman Problem
dio-dubbioso; da verificare
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

In un’intervista al Corriere di oggi il nuovo commissario per la digitalizzazione Luca Attias dice una cosa da scolpire nel marmo
innovazioni, futuro
::: mante ::: fabiochiusi

Logitech Will Restore Third-Party Harmony Home Automation
::: Slashdot

Alexa’s advice to ‘kill your foster parents’ fuels concern over Amazon Echo
::: marcelsalathe

Rapporto sulla governance della #geoingegneria #SRM, risultato del Workshop ad Harvard di settembre 2018
innovazioni, futuro
::: cmnit

The docs were skeptical that #AI will replace them in any of six key medical tasks—except paperwork
artificial intelligence
::: newsbeagle

This is a dangerous position to take. An expert on technology who feels themselves divorced from social or policy implications does not understand that technology is not value neutral, and that their decisions…have socio-political implications
tecnologia | etica
::: FrankPasquale

Tim May, Father of ‘Crypto Anarchy,’ Is Dead At 67
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot


Machine translation uses “statistical techniques to find roughly equivalent chunks of text in the source & target languages, &, lately, blends in deep learning to find higher order equivalences. There’s no real understanding of the meaning of the text
spesso non funziona; a volte comicamente
deep learning
::: FrankPasquale

Price Of Bitcoin Rises 27%, While Price of Bitcoin Cash Triples
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

ARM CPUs are now printable / flexible
innovazioni, futuro
::: bascule

Self-Driving Car Company Zoox Is Now Allowed to Carry Passengers
::: Slashdot

Why some people fear AI, explained
artificial intelligence
::: FrankPasquale ::: tdietterich

These results strongly suggest that when regions…develop new industries, they should focus on accumulating industry-specific knowledge that entrepreneurs can leverage
innovazioni, futuro
::: medialab

Amazing brick laying robot. Robots like these will automatically build houses in the future
però brutta così solo certi quartieri di LA (nei paesi ricchi, se ricordo bene)
::: Transhumanism_

Automate biological experimentation with OpenLH
::: arduino

The GPS Wars Have Begun
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot


Amazon is thought to have mostly expanded through internal growth, relying far less on acquisitions than Google & FB. This piece nicely traces the dozens of firms Amazon has acquired. And with AWS financing entry into any market it chooses, acquisitions will likely continue
::: linamkhan

Remember all those stories about Wall Street getting into crypto trading? Basically none of that is actually happening
blockchain e crypto*
::: TheStalwart

Starting in 2019, Oslo Will Restrict the Use of Vehicles in its City Center
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Great rebuff to Hinton’s “no need for ML explainability argument. Excellent comment from @HMRoff @ruchowdh @jovialjoy Again I say, decisions that have a significant impact on human lives should be made by humans
artificial intelligence
::: NoelSharkey

Relive some of the physics highlights of the year at CERN
innovazioni, futuro
::: CERN

Sending Astronauts To Mars Would be Stupid
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Trump Signs Legislation To Boost Quantum Computing Research With $1.2 billion
quantum computing
::: Slashdot

There are now growing indications that the West is slouching toward rule by algorithm—a brave new world in which vast fields of human life will be governed by digital code both invisible and unintelligible to human beings
algoritmi, codice
::: FrankPasquale ::: fabiochiusi

Book Review: Architects of Intelligence
artificial intelligence
::: IEEESpectrum

This @Google founder launched a flying taxi
innovazioni, futuro
::: DigitalTrends


Spotify-core, the descriptor coined by New York Times pop music writers that’s becoming an increasingly popular shorthand for music that sounds tailored to streaming. Or perhaps more specifically, to data-driven systems of mood-enhancing background music
innovazioni, futuro
::: fabiochiusi

This is a big reason why market caps, high and low, are a terrible measure of a company’s “value”. The algorithms that decide the vast majority of trades are blind to individual corporate trends and fundamentals. They act with blazing speed on pre-set macro inputs. Worth a read
artificial intelligence | economia, lavoro
::: waltmossberg

Amionx Ready to Roll Out Its Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Tech
::: IEEESpectrum

A study of more than 40 projects where blockchain was supposed to make services more efficient has found a success rate of zero
blockchain e crypto*
::: paul_shetler

Estimating the fundamental value of bitcoin by looking at its captive markets
blockchain e crypto*
::: _wilfredh

The cell phone network is broken; why aren’t we fixing it?
::: cooperq

No More Paperwork: Estonia Edges Toward Digital Government
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot ::: madbob

There is no “intelligence” in AI. It’s a misnomer
artificial intelligence
::: HarryDCrane

If bitcoin is below $50,000 on Dec. 28, 2018, the options will expire worthless, and the $1 million will be lost. If bitcoin rises above that level, the options will give their owners the right to buy 275 bitcoins for $50,000 apiece
no, non se ne fa niente siamo a %3700-3800
blockchain e crypto*
::: matt_odell


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