AI, innovazioni e blockchain – 71

Novità innovative? queste; ma presto si cambia (non so se questa è una novità).


Machine learning has the potential to accelerate science. This paper from folks at Harvard and Princeton shows how deep learning can speed up progress towards fusion energy. It’s great to see Keras and TensorFlow being used here
machine learning
::: fchollet

‘AI’ has become a blank slate onto which people can projects all sorts of hopes and concerns. Sometimes they do actually relate to some aspect of machine learning, and sometimes they’re much more vague, and you could substitute ‘AI’ for ‘software’ or just ‘the modern world’
artificial intelligence
::: benedictevans

IBM Halting Sales of Watson AI Tool For Drug Discovery Amid Sluggish Growth
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

#TBT The first of the two 130-ton ALMA antenna transporters was named ”Otto” on 5 October 2007. These vehicles operate at 5000m altitude & are able to place 115-ton antennas with a precision of a few millimetres
::: ESO

Great introduction to neural nets, comparing them to analogue computers
neural networks
::: _wilfredh

Opting out from algorithmic curation is a luxury—and could one day be a symbol of affluence available to only a select few
algoritmi, codice
::: Boring_AI

Marc Mézard – L’intelligenza artificiale
ottimo: completo, comprensibilissimo 🤩 obbligatorio (o peggio per voi)
artificial intelligence
::: PaoloBarucca

West Virginia Will Allow ‘Blockchain Voting’ In the 2020 Election
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

The large-scale deployment of facial recognition by governments is one of those things you won’t hear “AI safety” organizations talk about. But I find it very concerning
artificial intelligence | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fchollet

Robot News Presenter Causes a Stir On Russian TV
::: Slashdot

Untold History of AI: Why Alan Turing Wanted AI Agents to Make Mistakes
Infallibility isn’t the same thing as intelligence
artificial intelligence
::: AntonioCasilli

In che senso l’Europa punta su una intelligenza artificiale etica?
artificial intelligence
::: signorelli82

AI has managed to follow roughly linear progress over the past 70 years thanks to an exponential increase in available resources (computing power, researcher headcount, tooling/networking improvements)
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet


Rant: Nine reasons why I don’t believe in current VR/AR technology
augmented reality | virtual reality
::: oulasvirta

Invece di frignare perché Amazon e l’online rubano clienti questi si sono dati da fare
::: AlfonsoFuggetta

Are We Sacrificing Too Much For Automation?
::: Slashdot

Analisi molto raffinata su ciò che determina la forza di USA e Cina. Per l’Europa, una partita probabilmente persa. Ma, se continuiamo a baloccarci con i nostri microstati pseudosovrani, finiremo malamente tritati dai due colossi
artificial intelligence | innovazioni, futuro
::: MarcoCantamessa

The new digital divide is between those who passively submit to algorithms and those who do not
algoritmi, codice
::: data_tip

If you’re looking for a job in tech and don’t want to be in Silicon Valley, start your search here
innovazioni, futuro | economia, lavoro | politica
::: IEEESpectrum

This robot can change shape and even tread water to fight fires—and became famous after assisting the Paris Fire Brigade at Notre Dame
::: IEEESpectrum

On April 20 @SpaceX suffered what appears to be a pretty serious accident testing an uncrewed Dragon capsule. No one was hurt but this is a setback
spazio, esplorazione
::: BadAstronomer

Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Computer is Now in All New Cars and a Next-Gen Chip is Already ‘Halfway Done’
::: Slashdot

Toyota Establishes Research Institute In China To Study Hydrogen, Green Tech
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

For Better AI, Turn Up the Contrast on Reality
Humans are very good at making decisions about subjective problems that make it easy to apply rules
artificial intelligence
::: IEEESpectrum

Tesla Will Allow Aggressive Autopilot Mode With ‘Slight Chance of a Fender Bender’
::: Slashdot


L’em-ai-tì sta costruendo mostri la cui unica missione immaginabile sembra essere massacrare la gente
::: Wu_Ming_Foundt

The Comet OSIRIS Image Archive
spazio, esplorazione
::: OSIRIS Image Archive

SoftBank Founder Masayoshi Son Lost $130 Million on Bitcoin
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

I wrote a 6-part series about the very human history of machine intelligence — how innovators, tinkerers, workers, and sometimes hucksters have created artifacts that supposedly replicate human intelligence
artificial intelligence | storia
::: scarschwartz

Tesla’s 2020 self-driving car promise sounds too good to be true because it is
one million completely self-driving Tesla “robotaxis” on the road next year
::: Recode

If no human can predict something, often machine learning (ML) can’t too
machine learning
::: FrankPasquale

Historically, there have been two opposing views of cognition. One in which intelligence is a general ability to learn from arbitrary data, and one in which intelligence is the result of a myriad of special-purpose systems shaped by millions of years of evolution
lungo thread sull’intelligenza (anche) artificiale
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet ::: fchollet ::: fchollet ::: fchollet ::: fchollet

Scientists Develop Self-Propelling Phoenix Aircraft That Inhales Air
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Great set of resources from @JSKstanford on #AI applications in journalism. Already found lots of useful insights in articles by @fcoel @MarinaWalkerG @tomvandeweghe. Gonna dig into what I’ve missed very soon. cc @CharlieBeckett @DavidDieudonne and thanks @fedecherubini
artificial intelligence
::: xhgMattia

Tesla Vision uses path prediction to accurately predict how a road will extend, even when it can’t see around the corner
::: Tesla

Google Wing drones approved for US home deliveries
In order to receive the certification, it said it had proved that its drone deliveries carry a lower risk to pedestrians than those made by cars
::: fabiochiusi

My essay In @WiredUK about Resisting Reduction, the topic of my next book coming out in the Fall from @mitpress – Forget about artificial intelligence, extended intelligence is the future
artificial intelligence
::: Joi


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